NAV Navbar

vf-OS Platform


The vf-OS Platform component provides two fundamental services:

Portal Services

The platform's Portal Services provide an infrastructure to render the components' user interfaces and vApps inside a single portal window. It basically provides a reverse proxy setup which makes connections to HTTP servers provided by the individual components and vApps.

Each component and vApp with a user interface is required to provide a HTTP server for this interface supporting at least two different modes: icon mode (for showing an overview of installed components and vApps), and user interface mode. For the user interface mode, each component or vApp may support a selection of three different renderings (but, as said, at least one of these): as a widget (small), as an app (larger, but in a window) and as a full-screen application. Inside the Platform Portal, the end user may provide personal preferences which rendering to use.

The Portal Services will put some restrictions onto the behaviour of the component and vApp user interfaces. Some guidelines for this will be specified here at a later stage.

Execution services

These services contain the following API endpoints

List assets

Via this route, a list of installed assets can be retrieved.

GET /platform/executionservices/assets HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "Host id":"1lr9wayhc1yxmoifn91d862tv"
    "Host id":"cloud"
    "Host id":"1lr9wayhc1yxmoifn91d862tv"


Request URL: GET /platform/executionservices/assets


Returns a list of installed assets. If successful, this operation returns 200 OK, otherwise an error is returned.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
403 forbidden
500 server error

Install asset

Install an asset with specific parameters. The request installs the asset at the specified host and returns an ID for it. The installed asset has status "idle" (not started) by default.

POST /platform/executionservices/assets HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "Host id":"cloud"
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Request URL: POST /platform/executionservices/assets

Transfer Parameter

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
Asset Object yes Body entity JSON object The asset object consists of the following attributes
  • Name: Name of the asset to install
  • Version: Version of the asset to install
  • Host id: ID of the host on which the asset will be installed, or "cloud"


After succesful installation, the response will be 201 Created and the id of the newly installed asset will be returned.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
201 created (asset installed successfully)
400 bad parameter
403 forbidden
404 no such asset
406 host unreacheable
409 conflict (asset already installed on host)
500 server error

Start asset

Starts an installed asset.

POST /platform/executionservices/assets/4a9bf2f80763?action=start HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: POST /platform/executionservices/assets/<id>?action=start

Transfer Parameter

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
id Yes Resource string The identifier of an installed asset


If successful, this operation returns 200 OK, otherwise an error message is sent out.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
304 asset already started
403 forbidden
404 no such asset
500 server error

Stop asset

Stops an installed asset.

POST /platform/executionservices/assets/4a9bf2f80763?action=stop HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: POST /platform/executionservices/assets/<id>?action=stop

Transfer Parameter

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
id Yes Resource string The identifier of an installed asset


If successful, this operation returns 200 OK, otherwise an error message is sent out.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
304 asset already stopped
403 forbidden
404 no such asset
500 server error

Delete asset

Deletes an installed asset from a host. The asset must already have status "idle".

DELETE /platform/executionservices/assets/4a9bf2f80763 HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: DELETE /platform/executionservices/assets/<id>

Transfer Parameter

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
id Yes Resource string The identifier of an installed asset


If successful, this operation returns 200 OK, otherwise an error message is returned.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
403 forbidden
404 no such asset
409 conflict (asset is running)
500 server error

Register host

Registers a host at the platform. The core vf-OS (according to D2.1 Page 19: Publish/subscribe mechanism, System dashboard and Platform container core functionality which manages the overall vf-OS components) must have been installed on the host. The platform will automatically contact the host and connect it to the Platform Execution Services infrastructure.

POST /platform/executionservices/hosts HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "IP Address":"",
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Request URL: POST /platform/executionservices/hosts

Transfer Parameter

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
Host information Yes Body entity JSON Object The host informatoin consists of the following attributes
  • IP Address: The IP address of the host
  • Port: The port at which the host can be contacted by the platform


If the host can be contacted and the incorporation into the platform is accepted by both parties, the response will be 200 OK. The Host id for this newly registered host will be returned.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
400 bad parameter
401 unauthorized (host does not allow request)
403 forbidden (server does not allow request)
404 not found (host cannot be reached)
500 server error

Unregister host

Unregisters a host at the platform. The host must not contain any installed assets with status "running".

DELETE /platform/executionservices/hosts/1lr9wayhc1yxmoifn91d862tv HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: DELETE /platform/executionservices/hosts/<host id>

Transfer Parameter

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
host id Yes Resource string The identifier of a specific host


The response will be 200 OK if no error occurs.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
403 forbidden
405 method not allowed (host still has running assets)
404 no such host
500 server error

List hosts

Provides a list of registered hosts.

GET /platform/executionservices/hosts HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "Host id":"1lr9wayhc1yxmoifn91d862tv",
    "IP address":"",
    "Host id":"fneuwfn124u8912ndf3ni102u",
    "IP address":"",


Request URL: GET /platform/executionservices/hosts


If no error occurs, the response will be 200 OK and a JSON array will be returned containing an object for each host with limited information about that host.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
403 forbidden
500 server error

Inspect a host

Provides status information about a specific host.

GET /platform/executionservices/hosts/fneuwfn124u8912ndf3ni102u HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "Host id":"fneuwfn124u8912ndf3ni102u",
  "IP address":"",


Request URL: GET /platform/executionservices/hosts/<host id>


In case the host is found and no other error occurs, the response will be a 200 OK together with a JSON object containing information about the host.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
403 forbidden
404 no such host
500 server error

OAK Toolkit


The SDK will be able to provide required resources and services to the Studio and to other Application-Development components as well as to access design orientated data stored in vf-OS (models, patterns, and behaviours). The idea is to be able to develop vApps with this framework such as the SDK will provide what needs to be included in the vApp.

Due this fact SDK is an aggregation of multiple vf-OS components, the SDK export exact the same methods of each vf-OS component does. The table below contains a list of these components.

Resource Description
Marketplace e-Commerce services
Process Designer Renders the toolbox to the canvas
Engagement Hub developer suite of tools
Studio user-friendly interfaces to create vApps

OAK Studio

The vf-OS Application Design Studio is a holistic GUI supporting vApp developers to easily implement applications by integrating and orchestrating services, APIs, and connectors. The design studio provides necessary tools and means to develop and deploy applications on end user devices to application developers. The developer will be supported by step-by-step procedures which cover the entire development process including the registration of new applications (or updates) on the vf-Store.

The OAK Studio will use all resources the OAK SDK provides.

Frontend Environment

The OAK-Frontend Environment offers a Graphical User Interface (GUI) editor to allow vApp developers the implementation of end-user interfaces for their solutions. The editor will be accessible from within the OAK Studio as a plain browser consuming external microservices. These services provide large ranges of visual templates implemented in HTML5 + CSS3. Developers can combine them within the GUI editor to achieve enclosed vApp visualisations at the end. The templates can stand for themselves (eg customised GUI elements) or contain/bind to additional behaviour and JavaScript logic (eg registration forms or error representation). vApp developers thus will have a high degree of flexibility and power as there are barely any restrictions in merging templates. The OAK Frontend Environment will still develop an abstraction layer concept, subordinating the entities into abstraction levels. This strategy will produce additional guidance for the developer and speed up the process of rapid prototyping. The editor also allows the inheritance of external configuration like translations for internationalisation, as well as internal, individual configurations / attributes for each template itself.

This vf-OS module is subdivided in lower-level modules:

The OAK-Frontend partically includes the Process Designer to connect logical aspects to GUI-Elements. Itself, it is consumed by the OAK-Studio, which is responsible to offer any external services needed.

Process Enabler - Designer

The Process Designer is responsible for allowing users to model multiple manufacturing workflows so orchestrating the various assets available within a collaborative framework. The tool will be a reactive, extensible, and an online workspace supporting a BPMN-like model and be utilisable by vApps where process design and orchestration is appropriate.

Use the Process Designer

The actual using of the Process Designer; where the User uses the Process Designer from the Studio. The internal functionalities tu use the Designer are then provided inside the returned json body.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Request URL: GET<processDesignerId>?usertToken=<userToken>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Type Description
processDesignerId yes Resource String The unique identifier of the Process Designer UI
userToken yes Query String The userToken propagated through all requests


If successful, it returns the Process Designer setup encapsulated inside a XML, and of course additionally a HTTP Statuscode.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 Connected to the Proces Model UI
403 Required permissions not found
404 Process Instance not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Data Mapping

Connect Data Source

The RESTful interface Connect Data Source allows setting up the connection to a target or source schema implemented by any data source that may need to access the data source in runtime.

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

HTTP/1.1 201 Created


Request URL: POST<ID>/connections?session=<userToken>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
ID Yes Resource String The unique identfier for the schema to be connected to
userToken Yes Query String The userToken propagated through all requests
object Yes Body entity Json Array Setup of the data source


Returns an HTTP Status Code

If there is an error during the processing, a message should be returned to specify detailed information. Otherwise, it is generally expected that a HTTP Status Code will be returned.

Common Return Codes

Code Description
201 Connection to Schema has been established successfully
400 Invalid Setup
403 Insufficient rights
404 Schema not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Get Linked Paths

The RESTful interface Get Linked Paths computes the semantic similarity between two given concepts in the vf-OS Data Model and returns the existing paths between them to certain depth.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Request URL: GET<conceptId1>?target=<conceptId2>&maxDepth=<maxDepth>&session=<userToken>

Resource Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
conceptId1 Yes Resource String ID of source concept
conceptId2 Yes Query String ID of target concept
maxDepth Yes Query Integer Max number of levels to look for linked concepts
userToken Yes Query String The userToken propagated through all requests


Returns an HTTP Status Code together with a list of paths

If there is an error during the processing, a message should be returned to specify detailed information. Otherwise, it is generally expected that a list of paths that connect two concepts, expressed by their concept IDs.

Common Return Codes

Code Description
200 Link found
204 No links found between concepts
403 Insufficient rights
404 Some of the concepts were not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Get Linked Concepts

The RESTful interface "Get Linked Concepts" retrieves all concepts that are linked to a given concept up to a certain depth and which are compliant with the parameters specified in the call.

HTTP/1.1 200  OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Request URL: GET<conceptID>?type=<typeOfLink>&maxDepth=<maxDepth>&session=<userToken>

Resource Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
conceptID Yes Resource String Name of the concept
typeOfLink No Query Enumerate Type of algorithm to be executed. The following values are applicable to this parameter:
  • Simple: No parameters are expected for this type
  • Method: Name of the method to get the related concepts, eg link, name similarity or description similarity
  • Filter: List of conditions to get the related concepts, eg Lan: EN; Domain: Geography
maxDepth No Query Integer Max number of levels to look for linked concepts
userToken Yes Query String The userToken propagated through all requests


Returns an HTTP Status Code together with a JSON-LD list of concepts

If there is an error during the processing, a message should be returned to specify detailed information. Otherwise, it is generally expected that a list of concepts is returned in the form of a JSON-LD.

Common Return Codes

Code Description
200 Linked Concepts found
204 No Linked Concepts found
403 Insufficient rights
404 Concept not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Search Linked Concepts

The RESTful interface Search Linked Concepts retrieves all concepts that are matching to a given keyword up to a certain depth. If no keyword is provided, all linked concepts will be returned.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Request URL: GET<searchKeyword>&maxDepth=maxDepth&session=userToken

Resource Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
searchKeyword No Query String Name of the concept to be searched
maxDepth No Query Integer Max number of levels to look for linked concepts
userToken Yes Query String The userToken propagated through all requests


Returns an HTTP Status Code together with a JSON-LD list of concepts

If there is an error during the processing, a message should be returned to specify detailed information. Otherwise, it is generally expected that a list of concepts is returned in the form of a JSON-LD.

Common Return Codes

Code Description
200 Concepts found
403 Insufficient rights
404 Concept not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.


Developer Engagement

The purpose of the vf-OS Developer Engagement Hub is to define and develop a suite of tools that fit together and consist of a platform to support developer collaboration between developers, customers, and communities.

Note that it does not itself facilitate vf-OS programming which is through the vf-OS SDK, Studio, etc. but will facilitate programming

Upload Resource

Allows the upload of documentation from all parts of the vf-OS framework. This can include documents, but also elements in other media formats.

POST /v1/deh/resource HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "resourceUrl":"<path for resource>",
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "resourceUrl":"<path for resource in deh>"


Request URL: POST /v1/deh/resource

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
resourceUrl Yes Body entity String Url of a resource you want to upload
type Yes Body entity String Type of resource to upload


Returns a list of uploaded resources. If successful, this operation returns 200 OK, otherwise an error is returned.

Common Return Codes

Code Meaning
200 OK
400 Bad request
403 Forbidden
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Get Code

Retrieves code from codehosting component export code in files. The Developer Engagement Hub exports an interface to obtain code in order to allow the SDK to build and compile.

GET /v1/deh/codehosting HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Request URL: GET /v1/deh/codehosting/

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
codeId Yes Body entity String Code sample id


If success, get code file from codehosting.

Common Return Codes

Code Meaning
200 OK
403 Required permissions not found
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Submit Ticket

Allow to create modify and comment a issue in issue tracker.

POST /v1/deh/issuetracker HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "issueBody":"Issues in component n10",
  "issueTitle":"Issue when dashboard are been loading",
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Request URL: POST /v1/deh/issuetracker

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Type Description
issueBody Yes String Description of the issue
issueTitle Yes String Title of the issue
type Yes String Specifies the type of issue, suggestion


If success, have added ticket in issue tracker otherwise an error is returned.

Common Return Codes

Code Meaning
200 OK
403 Required permissions not found
403 Forbidden
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Upload Document

Add a document in documentation module, this document can be related to a specific version of code or with release.

POST /v1/deh/wiki HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "message":"document was successfully added."


Request URL: POST /v1/deh/wiki

Transfer Parameters
Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
version No Body entity String link the document to a version
documentUrl Yes No Body entity Url of document


If success, submit document to documentation system otherwise will return error.

Common Return Codes

Code Meaning
200 OK
403 Required permissions not found
403 Forbidden
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Developer Engagement and Training

All vf-OS components provide an environment for developers in terms of the vf-P, vf-Store, vf-OAK as well as the vf-Studio and the Frontend Environment. Whilst this provides a ‘typical’ facility and environment for developers, it is helpful to reach a critical mass to reach multiple developers by further encouraging and educating them. This not only applies for internal developers but also external developers who can later become the customers of “vfOS Limited” and can help to prove the system.



Request URL: POST

Resource Parameters

Name Required Type Description
processModel Yes ProcessModel Process model
userToken Yes String User Token propagated through all requests


Render toolbox elements to the canvas

Common Return Codes

Code Meaning
200 OK
401 Required permissions not found
402 Marketplace not found
404 Process Instance not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.


Returns the BPMN elements from the BPMN library


Request URL: GET{ID}

Resource Parameters

Name Required Type Description
userToken Yes String User Token propagated through all requests
filterString No String String used to filter BPMN Elements
sortString No String String used to sort BPMN Elements


If successful, it returns the BPMN elements and returns with HTTP Statuscode

Common Return Codes

Code Meaning
200 OK
401 Required permissions not found
402 Marketplace not found
403 BPMN Element not found
404 Process Instance not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.


Inserts a BPMN Model into BPMN Marketplace


Resource Parameters


If successful, posts the Model to the Marketplace and returns a HTTP Statuscode

Common Return Codes

Code Meaning
200 OK
401 Required permissions not found
402 Marketplace not found
403 BPMN Element not found
404 Process Instance not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.


Updates a BPMN Model in the BPMN Marketplace


Resource Parameters


Common Return Codes

Code Meaning
200 OK
401 Required permissions not found
402 Marketplace not found
403 BPMN Element not found
404 Process Instance not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.



Resource Parameters


Common Return Codes

Code Meaning
200 OK
401 Required permissions not found
402 Marketplace not found
403 BPMN Element not found
404 Process Instance not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.


Connects to the Toolbox and returns elements


Request URL: GET{ID}

Resource Parameters

Name Required Type Description
userToken Yes String User Token propagated through all requests
filterString No String String used to filter BPMN Elements
sortString No String String used to sort BPMN Elements


If successful, it returns the Toolbox elements and returns with HTTP Statuscode

Common Return Codes

Code Meaning
200 OK
401 Required permissions not found
402 Toolbox not found
404 Process Instance not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.


The vf-Middleware provides an infrastructure, which enables components and vf-Assets to comunicate directly or even-driven . Two different compnents are foreseen to handle the communication in vf-OS. First the Messaging, which enables a direct communication, and second the event-driven approach via the Publish/Subscribe component. And finally, the Process Enabler for Execution handles the execution of vf-OS Assets and components.


The Messaging component provides functionalities to enable message flow between vf-OS components. The messages consist of requests, reports, or events that are dispatched by one component and consumer by other component(s). The controlling actions involve creation of communication channels, routing, queue management, etc. The URL is presented in the following format:

Create a Connection

Create a connection with the name connectionName. A connection is in the stopped state when it is created unless the start action is specified in the PUT request to create the connection.

POST /connections HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

        "canonicalLink":"relative path to newly created connection"


The request contains all necessary information to create a connection. It contains multiple fields, but only connectionName is required.

Request URL: POST /connections

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
connectionName Yes Body string Name of the connection
action No Body string Desired status of the connection
clientID No Body string Identification of the client


The response contains the status of creating the connection. If it returns an error, it will also return the error description.

Error Messages

Update a Connection

Update connection properties

PUT /connections/<connectionName> HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



The request contains multiple fields, only connectionName is required.

Request URL: PUT /connections/<connectionName>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
connectionName Yes Body string Name of the connection
action No Body string Status of the connection
clientID No Body string Identification of the client


The response contains the status of updating the connection as well its response code. If it returns an error, it will also return the error description.

Error Messages

Delete a Connection

Delete a connection

DELETE /connections/<connectionName> HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Only connectionName is required.

Request URL: DELETE /connections/<connectionName>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
connectionName Yes Resource string Name of the connection


The response contains the status of deleting the connection as well its response code. If it returns an error, it will also return the error description.

Create a Consumer

Create a consumer with the given name.

POST /consumers HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

        "canonicalLink":"relative path to newly created consumer"


The request contains the consumerName, which is a mandatory field.

Request URL: POST /consumers

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
consumerName Yes Body string Name of the consumer


The response contains the status of creating the consumer as well its response code. If it returns an error, it will also return the error description.

Possible Return Codes

Delete a Consumer

Delete a Consumer

DELETE /consumers/<consumerName> HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Only consumerName is required.

Request URL: DELETE /consumers/<consumerName>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
consumerName Yes Resource string Name of the consumer


The response contains the status of deleting the consumer as well its response code. If it returns an error, it will also return the error description.

Possible Return Codes

Get messages from a specific Consumer

Method to receive a message by the consumer. Clients receive messages by using a session to create a consumer. A session can have multiple consumers. Consumers persist until they are closed or the session in which they were created is closed.

If there is a message on the consumer's queue that satisfies the selector (if it was set on the consumer) or if one enters the queue within the number of milliseconds in timeout, it is returned in the HTTP response. Otherwise, a null message is returned. If receiving from a topic, if messages have been published to the topic since the consumer was created, or if messages are published to the topic within the number of milliseconds in timeout, one of those messages will be returned in the HTTP response. Otherwise a null message is returned.

If the consumer is consuming from a durable subscription, and if there is a message currently stored in the durable subscription, or if one enters the durable subscription within the number of milliseconds in timeout, it is returned in the HTTP response. Otherwise, a null message is returned.

GET /consumers/<consumerName>/messages HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

      "message":"Message successfully received from vf-OS component."


The request contains the consumerName, which is a mandatory field.

Request URL: GET /consumers/<consumerName>/messages

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
consumerName Yes Resource string Name of the consumer


The response contains the status of creating the consumer as well its response code. The response also has the message content.

Possible Return Codes

Create a Producer

Create a producer with the given name.

POST /producers HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

        "canonicalLink":"relative path to newly created consumer"


The request contains the producerName, which is a mandatory field.

Request URL: POST /producers

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
producerName Yes Body string Name of the producer


The response contains the status of creating the producer as well its response code. If it returns an error, it will also return the error description.

Possible Return Codes

Update a Producer

Update producer properties

PUT /producers/producerName HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



The request contains multiple fields, but only producerName is required.

Request URL: PUT /producers/<producerName>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
producerName Yes Body string Name of the producer
metadataToBeUpdated No Body Object Properties of the producer to be updated


The response contains the status of updating the producer as well its response code. If it returns an error, it will also return the error description.

Possible Return Codes

Delete a Producer

Delete a Producer

DELETE /producers/producerName HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Only producerName is required.

Request URL: DELETE /producers/<producerName>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
producerName Yes Resource string Name of the producer


The response contains the status of deleting the producer as well its response code. If it returns an error, it will also return the error description.

Possible Return Codes

Send Message to a specific producer

Send the message specified by the HTTP headers and request body to the destination specified. Clients send messages by using a session to create a producer. A session can have multiple producers. Producers persist until they are closed or the session in which they were created is closed. A producer defines the default characteristics of messages sent through the producer. A producer can specify the destination to which all messages are sent, how sent messages should be stored in the service, and how long sent messages are stored in the service before they expire.

POST /producers/producerName/messages HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "message":"This message will be delivered."
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

        "canonicalLink":"relative path to newly created consumer"


The request contains the producerName, which is a mandatory field.

Request URL: POST /producers/<producerName>/messages

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
deliveryMode NO Body Object Whether messages are required to be stored in persistent storage. If present, the value must be persistent or non_persistent; default is persistent. If the value is persistent, the message must be stored in persistent storage; otherwise, it may or may not be stored in persistent storage. Messages in persistent storage can persist through outages or failover of the service.
destination YES Body Object Required if the producer was not created with a destination; otherwise, it is forbidden. The value is the destination to which the message will be sent. If present they can be linked with the available queues or topics
groupId NO Body Object The value of the groupId property on the message being sent. This parameter is optional, but should be set if, and only if, groupSeq is set.
groupSeq NO Body Object The value of the groupSeq property on the message being sent. This is the sequence number of the message within the message group specified by the groupId parameter. This parameter is optional, but should be set if, and only if, groupId is set.
replyTo NO Body Object The value is a destination to which replies should be sent. This is useful for message exchanges which can have asynchronous responses.


The response contains the status of creating the producer as well its response code. If it returns an error, it will also return the error description.

Possible Return Codes

Process Enabler - Executions

The Process Execution is the part of the Process Enabler component that deals with the runtime aspect; executing a firmly defined workflow.

Execute Process

This interface will receive the deployed process from the vApps/vf-OS Assets to execute it

POST http://dev.vfos-eu/processenabler-execution/process/1234/instances HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Request URL: POST http://dev.vfos-eu/processenabler-execution/process/<processModelId>/instances/

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Type Description
processId Yes Resource String A unique identifier for a specific process model
model XML Yes Body entity JSON Object An object with the setup of an instance, which contains the following attributes
  • Type: Defines if the execution was successfull (type=execution) or not (type=failure)
  • response: Array of key value pairs representing the return values
  • reason: Message containing the reason for the failure


If successful, the response will return with an HTTP Statuscode 201.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
201 An instance of a process has been started
404 The process cannot be found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Data Management

The data management in vf-OS is mainly managed by the components Data Storage, Data Transformation and Data Analytics.

Data Storage - Basics

General URL

Requests are formatted with the following common variables.

Name Example Description
hostname Specifies the server host
port 7777 Specifies the server port
version 3.0 Cloud Storage API version
resource_uri databases/database1 The uri of the resource

The URL is presented in the following format:


The left part of the URL, up to the resource_uri, is common to all the API endpoints, so it will not be repeated in every interface in this documentation.This should be prefixed to every endpoint:

Database Credentials

All the functions in this API must use database credentials (username and password). This will be set in header of the request, as HTTP Basic Authentication will be used.

If this information is not provided, or if the credentials are not valid, a 401 Unauthorized status code will be returned. On the other hand, if the user has not enough privileges to perform the requested action a 403 Forbidden status code will be returned.

Error message

Every API call may succeed or fail.

In case of success the response body will be different in every case, so it will be specified in each API function description. In the case of failure, the response body will include an entry called error. Its value will be a string explaining the error. In order to avoid repetition, this information will not be included in each API function description.

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "error":"The database XXX does not exist"


The content type, for requests as well as for responses will be JSON.

Request and response examples

This guide includes request and response examples. For the shake of clarity examples do not include not relevant information, as the following.

Authorization: Basic xXVXdHXzXXX6XzRXJXVXSXVXOXRXXTX1XktXJmXeX1XXeXx=Host:
Accept: */*
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 25
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 06 May 2016 12:21:00 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 100
Connection: keep-alive

Data Storage - Relational Storage

This section describes functionalities regarding relational database storage.

Create Relational Database

Creates a new relational database

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Request URL: POST /rel/databases

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Body String ID (name) of the database


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
201 Database Created
409 Database already exists
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.

Drop Relational Database

Drops an existing relational database.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: DELETE /rel/databases/<database_name>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database to be deleted


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Database not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Catalog Relational Database Tables

Gets the list of tables (catalog) of a given relational database.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Request URL: GET /rel/databases/<database_name>/tables

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns a catalog (list) of the tables of the database and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 Success
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Database not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Catalog Relational Database Views

Gets the list of views of a given relational database.

HTTP/1.1 200 Success
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Request URL: GET /rel/databases/<database_name>/views

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns a catalog (list) of the views of the database and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 Success
404 Database not found
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Create Relational Table

Creates a table in a given relational database.

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

      "description":"User's name"
      "description":"User's email"
      "description":"User's age"


Request URL: POST /rel/databases/<database_name>/tables

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
table_name Yes Body String ID (name) of the table
table_definition_schema Yes Body JSON Object Schema of the table. The exact schema definition format will be specified at a later time. Currently the following attributes are defined
  • name: The name of a column
  • type: the object type of the attribute
  • description: The description of this column


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
201 Table created
400 Bad request. There are errors in the specification of the table
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Database not found
409 Table already exists
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Drop Relational Table

Drops an existing table of a given relational database.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: DELETE /rel/databases/<database_name>/tables/<table_name>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
table_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted table


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource (database or table) not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Alter Relational Table

Alters a table definition in a given relational database.

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

      "description":"System user's name"
      "description":"User's email"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: PUT /rel/databases/<database_name>/tables/<table_name>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted database
table_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted table
table_alteration_schema Yes Body String Alteration schema for the table. The exact alteration schema definition format will be specified at a later time.


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 Ok. Table altered.
400 Bad request. There are errors in the specification of the alteration of the table
404 Resource (database or table) not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.

Create Relational View

Creates a view in a given relational database.

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "view_definition_schema":"Name as USERNAME, email as CONTACT from myTable"


Request URL: POST /rel/databases/<database_name>/views

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted database
view_name Yes Body String ID (name) of the view
view_definition_schema Yes Body String Schema of the view. The exact schema definition format will be specified at a later time.


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
201 View created
400 Bad request. There are errors in the specification of the view
404 Database not found
409 View already exists
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.

Drop Relational View

Drops an existing view of a given relational database.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: DELETE /rel/databases/<database_name>/views/<view_name>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted database
view_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted view


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
404 Resource (database or view) not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.

Alter Relational View

Alters a view definition in a given relational database. It is a full redefinition of the view, so it's similar to drop and create it again.

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "view_definition_schema":"Name as USERNAME, email as CONTACT from myTable"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: PUT /rel/databases/<database_name>/views/<view_name>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted database
view_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted view
view_definition_schema Yes Body String Schema of the view. The exact schema definition format will be specified at a later time.


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 Ok. View altered.
400 Bad request. There are errors in the specification of the alteration of the view
404 Resource (database or view) not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.

Create Relational Index

Creates an index in a table of a given relational database.

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Request URL: POST /rel/databases/<database_name>/tables/<table_name>/indexes

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted database
table_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted table
index_name Yes Body ID String ID (name) of the index
index_definition_schema Yes Body String Schema of the index. The exact schema definition format will be specified at a later time.


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
201 Index created
400 Bad request. There are errors in the specification of the index
404 Resource (database or table) not found
409 Index already exists
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.

Drop Relational Index

Drops an existing index of a table of given relational database.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: DELETE /rel/databases/<database_name>/tables/<table_name>/indexes/<index_name>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted database
table_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted table
index_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted index


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
404 Resource (database, table or index) not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.

Describe Relational Table

Gets a description of a table of a given relational database.

es/myTable HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

      "description":"User�s name"
      "description":"User�s email"
      "description":"User�s age"


Request URL: GET /rel/databases/<database_name>/tables/<table_name>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted database
table_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted table


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns a table definition and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 Success
404 Resource (database or table) not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.

Describe Relational View

Gets a description of a view of a given relational database.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Request URL: GET /rel/databases/<database_name>/views/<view_name>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted database
view_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted view


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns a view definition and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 Success
404 Resource (database or view) not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.

Insert Relational Rows

Inserts rows in a table in a given relational database.

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

      "Email":"[email protected]",
      "Email":"[email protected]",
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Request URL: POST /rel/databases/<database_name>/tables/<table_name>/rows

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted database
table_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted table
row_values Yes Body JSON Array List of rows. The format should be a list (rows) of lists (columns) of values, in the format "column_name":"value".


Returns a status code and a list or created rowIDs in case of success, and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
201 Rows inserted
400 Bad request. There are errors in the specification of row values
404 Resource (database or table) not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.

Delete Relational row

Deletes a row in a table of given relational database.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: DELETE /rel/databases/<database_name>/tables/<table_name>/rows/<row_id>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted database
table_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted table
row_id Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted row


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
404 Resource (database or table) not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.

Delete Relational rows

Deletes a set of rows in a table of given relational database.

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "filter":"Name = 'John' and Age < 18"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: DELETE /rel/databases/<database_name>/tables/<table_name>/rows

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted database
table_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted table
filter No Body String Filter of the rows. It will be an string specifying the WHERE clause. If not specified, all the rows will be deleted.


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
404 Resource (database or table) not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.

Merge Relational row

Updates an existing row updating the selected properties and keeping the values of the not selected ones.

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "Email":"[email protected]",
HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: PATCH /rel/databases/<database_name>/tables/<table_name>/rows/<row_id>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted database
table_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted table
row_id Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted row
row_values Yes Body JSON Array List of values. The format should be a list of values, in the format "column_name":"value".


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
404 Resource (database, table or row) not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.

Merge Relational rows

Updates a set of rows updating the selected properties and keeping the values of the not selected ones.

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    "Email":"[email protected]",
  "filter":"Name = 'John' and Age < 18"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: PATCH /rel/databases/<database_name>/tables/<table_name>/rows

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted database
table_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted table
row_values Yes Body JSON Array List of values. The format should be a list of values, in the format "column_name":"value".
filter No Body String Filter of the rows. It will be an string specifying the WHERE clause. If not specified, all the rows will be merged.


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
404 Resource (database or table) not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.

Update Relational row

Updates an existing row updating the selected properties and deleting the values of the not selected ones. It is equivalent to a delete+insert.

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "Name":"John Jr",
    "Email":"[email protected]",
HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: PUT /rel/databases/<database_name>/tables/<table_name>/rows/<row_id>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted database
table_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted table
row_id Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted row
row_values Yes Body JSON Array List of values. The format should be a list of values, in the format "column_name":"value".


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
404 Resource (database, table or row) not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request. It is equivalent to a delete+insert.
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.

Update Relational rows

Updates a set of rows updating the selected properties and deleting the values of the not selected ones.

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "Name":"John Jr",
    "Email":"[email protected]",
  "filter":"Name = 'John' and Age < 18"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: PUT /rel/databases/<database_name>/tables/<table_name>/rows

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted database
table_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted table
row_values Yes Body Array List of values. The format should be a list of values, in the format "column_name":"value".
filter No Body String Filter of the rows. It will be an string specifying the WHERE clause. If not specified, all the rows will be merged.


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
404 Resource (database or table) not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.

Query Relational row

Queries a table of a relational database with a known row identifier.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: GET /rel/databases/<database_name>/tables/<table_name>/rows/<row_id>?columns=<columns>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted database
table_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted table
row_id Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted row
columns No Query JSON Object Column list. If not specified, all the colums in the table/view will be returned.


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns the selected row, and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
404 Resource (database, table or row) not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request. It is equivalent to a delete+insert.
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.

Query Relational rows

Queries a table or view of a relational database

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Request URL (tables): GET /rel/databases/<database_name>/tables/<table_name>/rows?colums=<columns>&filer=<filter>&skip=<skip>&limit=<limit>&group_by=<group_by>&having=<having>&order_by=<order_by> Request URL (views): GET /rel/databases/<database_name>/views/<view_name>/rowscolums=<columns>&filer=<filter>&skip=<skip>&limit=<limit>&group_by=<group_by>&having=<having>&order_by=<order_by>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted database
table_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted table
view_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted view
columns No Query JSON Array Column list. The columns can be real column names or aggregation expressions (MAX, MIN, AVG...). If not specified, all the colums in the table/view will be returned.
filter No Query String Filter of the rows. It will be an string specifying the WHERE clause of the select. If not specified, all the rows will be selected.
skip No Query Integer Specifies the first number of results to be ignored (not returned). Used usually for pagination.
limit No Query Integer Specifies the maximum number of results to be returned
group_by No Query String Creates a group for each combination of column expressions. It will be an string specifying the GROUP BY clause of the select.
having No Query String Specifies a search condition for a group or an aggregate. It will be an string specifying the HAVING clause of the select.
order_by No Query String Order criteria of the rows. It will be an string specifying the ORDER BY clause of the select.


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns a list of the selected rows, and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
404 Resource (database or table) not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.

Create Relational Role

Creates a role in a given relational database.

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Request URL: POST /rel/databases/<database_name>/roles

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String Identifier of the targeted database
role_name Yes Body String ID (name) of the role


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
201 Role created
400 Bad request. There are errors in the specification of the role
404 Database not found
409 Role already exists
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.

Drop Relational Role

Drops an existing role of a given relational database.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: DELETE /rel/databases/<database_name>/roles/<role_name>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted database
role_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted role
password Yes Body String Password


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
404 Resource (database or role) not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.

Catalog Relational Roles

Gets the list of roles (catalog) of a given relational database.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Request URL: GET /rel/databases/<database_name>/roles

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String identifier for the targeted database


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns a catalog (list) of the roles of the database and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common Status Codes

Code Description
200 Success
404 Database not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.

Create Relational User

Creates a user in a given relational database.

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

HTTP/1.1 201 User created

Request URL: POST /rel/databases/<database_name>/users

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String identifier for the targeted database
new_user_name Yes Body String ID (name) of the user
new_user_password Yes Body Password of the user


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
201 User created
400 Bad request. There are errors in the specification of the user
404 Database not found
409 User already exists
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.

Drop Relational User

Drops an existing user of a given relational database.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: DELETE /rel/databases/<database_name>/users/<user_name>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String identifier for the targeted database
user_name Yes Resource String ID (name) of the user


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
404 Resource (database or user) not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.

Catalog Relational Users

Gets the list of users (catalog) of a given relational database.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Request URL: GET /rel/databases/<database_name>/users

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String identifier for the targeted database


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns a catalog (list) of the users of the database and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 Success
404 Database not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.

Add Relational role to user

Grants the privileges of a role to a given user in a relational database.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: PUT /rel/databases/<database_name>/users/<user_name>/roles/<role_name>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String identifier for the targeted database
user_name Yes Resource String ID (name) of the user
role_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted role


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
404 Resource (database, user or role) not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request. It is equivalent to a delete+insert.
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.

Delete Relational role to user

Revokes the privileges of a role to a given user in a relational database.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: DELETE /rel/databases/<database_name>/users/<user_name>/roles/<role_name>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String identifier for the targeted database
user_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted user
role_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted role


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
404 Resource (database, user or role) not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.

Grant permissions Relational

Grants permissions to a role or user in a relational database.

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL (role): PUT /rel/databases/<database_name>/roles/<role_name> Request URL (user): PUT /rel/databases/<database_name>/users/<user_name>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String identifier for the targeted database
user_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted user
role_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted role
permissions Yes Body JSON String List of permissions. The exact format will be will be specified at a later time.
scope Yes Body JSON String Scope the permissions will be applied. The exact format will be will be specified at a later time.


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
404 Resource (database, user or role) not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request. It is equivalent to a delete+insert.
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.

Revoke permissions Relational

Revokes permissions to a role or user in a relational database.

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL (role): DELETE /rel/databases/<database_name>/roles/<role_name> Request URL (user): DELETE /rel/databases/<database_name>/users/<user_name>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String identifier for the targeted database
user_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted user
role_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted role
permissions Yes Body JSON String List of permissions. The exact format will be will be specified at a later time.
scope Yes Body JSON String Scope the permissions will be revoked. The exact format will be will be specified at a later time.


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
404 Resource (database, user or role) not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request. It is equivalent to a delete+insert.
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.

Query user permissions Relational

Gets the list of permissions of a user of a given relational database.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `jeffrey`@`localhost`",
    "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON `db1`.* TO `jeffrey`@`localhost"


Request URL: GET el/databases/<database_name>/users/<user_name>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String identifier for the targeted database
user_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted user


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns a catalog (list) of the permissions and scope of the database and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

JSON response body parameters

Name Type Description
pemissions_and_scope JSON Object List of pemissions.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 Success
404 Resource (database or user) not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.

Data Storage - Document Oriented Storage (NoSQL)

This section describes functionalities regarding non-relational document-oriented NoSQL data storage. This storage service is best designed to store very large amounts of semi-structured data (ie JSON documents). It has very good performance, availability and scalability. It will be based on MongoDB.

Create document-oriented Database

Creates a new document-oriented database.

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Request URL: POST /doc/databases

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Body entity String ID (name) of the database


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
201 Database Created
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
409 Database already exists
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Drop Document-oriented Database

Drops an existing document-oriented database.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: DELETE /doc/databases/<database_name>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database to be deleted


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Database not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Catalog Document-oriented Database Collections

Gets the list of collections (catalog) of a given document-oriented database.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Request URL: GET /doc/databases/<database_name>/collections

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns a catalog (list) of the collections of the database and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 Success
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Database not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Catalog Document-oriented Database Views

Gets the list of views of a given document-oriented database.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Request URL: GET /doc/databases/<database_name>/views

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns a catalog (list) of the views of the database and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 Success
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Database not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Create Document-oriented Collection

Creates a collection in a given document-oriented database.

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Request URL: POST /doc/databases/<database_name>/collections

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
name Yes Body entity ID String ID (name) of the collection
options No Body entity JSON Object Configuration options for creating a capped collection or for preallocating space in a new collection. For more information of the options see the MongoDB documentation.


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
201 Collection created
400 Bad request. There are errors in the specification of the collection
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Database not found
409 Collection already exists
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Drop Document-oriented Collection

Drops an existing collection of a given document-oriented database.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: DELETE /doc/databases/<database_name>/collections/<collection_name>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
collection_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the collection


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource (database or collection) not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Create Document-oriented View

Creates a view in a given document-oriented database.

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

            " ",


Request URL: POST /doc/databases/<database_name>/views

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
view_name Yes Body entity ID String ID (name) of the view.
source_collection Yes Body entity ID String ID (name) of the collection the view is based on.
pipeline Yes Body entity Json array Schema of the view. The exact schema definition format will be specified at a later time.
options No Body entity JSON Object Configuration options for creating the view. The only existing option is the colation. For more information of the options see the MongoDB documentation.


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
201 View created
400 Bad request. There are errors in the specification of the view
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Database not found
409 View already exists
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Drop Document-oriented View

Drops an existing view of a given document-oriented database.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: DELETE /doc/databases/<database_name>/views/<view_name>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
view_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted view


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource (database or view) not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Alter Document-oriented View

Alters a view definition in a given document-oriented database. It is a full redefinition of the view, so it's similar to drop and create it again.

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

            " ",
HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: PUT /doc/databases/<database_name>/views/<view_name>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
view_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted view
source_collection Yes Body entity ID String ID (name) of the collection the view is based on.
pipeline Yes Body entity Json array Schema of the view. The exact schema definition format will be specified at a later time.
options No Body entity JSON Object Configuration options for creating the view. The only existing option is the colation. For more information of the options see the MongoDB documentation.


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 Ok. View altered.
400 Bad request. There are errors in the specification of the alteration of the view
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource (database or view) not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Create Document-oriented Index

Creates a index in a collection of a given document-oriented database.

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Request URL: POST /doc/databases/<database_name>/collections/<collection_name>/indexes

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
collection_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the collection
index_name Yes Body entity ID String ID (name) of the index
keys Yes Body entity JSON object Contains the field and value pairs where the field is the index key and the value describes the type of index for that field. For an ascending index on a field, specify a value of 1; for descending index, specify a value of -1. MongoDB supports several different index types including text, geospatial, and hashed indexes.
options No Body entity JSON object Contains a set of options that controls the creation of the index. See MongoDB documentation for details about the index.


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
201 Index created
400 Bad request. There are errors in the specification of the index
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource (database or collection) not found
409 Index already exists
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Drop Document-oriented Index

Drops an existing index of a collection of given document-oriented database.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: DELETE /doc/databases/<database_name>/collections/<collection_name>/indexes/<index_name>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
collection_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the collection
index_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted index


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource (database, collection or index) not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Insert Document-oriented Documents

Inserts document a document or a set of documents in a collection in a given document-oriented database.

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

      "Email":"[email protected]",
      "Email":"[email protected]",
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Request URL: POST /doc/databases/<database_name>/collections/<collection_name>/documents

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
collection_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the collection
document Yes Body entity JSON documet or array of documents Document(s) to be inserted.
ordered No Body entity If true, perform an ordered insert of the documents in the array, and if an error occurs with one of documents, MongoDB will return without processing the remaining documents in the array. If false, perform an unordered insert, and if an error occurs with one of documents, continue processing the remaining documents in the array. Defaults to true.


Returns a status code and the number of inserted documents in case of success, and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
201 Documents inserted
400 Bad request. There are errors in the specification of document values
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource (database or collection) not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Delete Document-oriented document

Deletes a document in a collection of given document-oriented database.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: DELETE /doc/databases/<database_name>/collections/<collection_name>/documents/<doc_id>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
collection_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the collection
doc_id Yes Resource String The ID of the document


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource (database or collection) not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Delete Document-oriented documents

Deletes a set of documents in a collection of given document-oriented database.

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: DELETE /doc/databases/<database_name>/collections/<collection_name>/documents

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
collection_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the collection
filter No Body entity JSON object Specifies selection filter using query operators, using the form { : { : }, ... }. To return all documents in a collection, omit this parameter or pass an empty document ({}). More information on MongoDB documentation. [(]


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
404 Resource (database or collection) not found
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Merge Document-oriented document

Updates an existing document updating the selected properties and keeping the values of the not selected ones.

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: PATCH /doc/databases/<database_name>/collections/<collection_name>/documents/<doc_id>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
collection_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the collection
doc_id Yes Resource String The ID of the document
update Yes Body entity JSON object Update operators: $set, $inc, $currentDate, ... ). For more information see "update operators" in MongoDB documentation.


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource (database, collection or document) not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Merge Document-oriented documents

Updates a set of documents updating the selected properties and keeping the values of the not selected ones.

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: PATCH /doc/databases/<database_name>/collections/<collection_name>/documents

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
collection_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the collection
update Yes Body entity JSON object Update operators: $set, $inc, $currentDate, ... ). For more information see "update operators" in MongoDB documentation.
filter No Body entity JSON object Specifies selection filter using query operators, using the form { : { : }, ... }. To return all documents in a collection, omit this parameter or pass an empty document ({}). More information on MongoDB documentation. [(]


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource (database or collection) not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Update Document-oriented document

Updates an existing document updating the selected properties and deleting the values of the not selected ones. It is equivalent to a delete+insert. It just keeps the _id field.

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: PUT /doc/databases/<database_name>/collections/<collection_name>/documents/<doc_id>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
collection_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the collection
doc_id Yes Resource String The ID of the document
update Yes Body entity JSON object Update operators: $set, $inc, $currentDate... ). For more information see "update operators" in MongoDB documentation.


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource (database, collection or document) not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request. It is equivalent to a delete+insert.

Query Document-oriented document

Queries a collection of a document-oriented database with a known document identifier.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Request URL: GET /doc/databases/<database_name>/collections/<collection_name>/documents/<doc_id>?projection=<projection>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
collection_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the collection
doc_id Yes Resource String The ID of the document
projection No Query JSON Object The projection parameter determines which fields are returned in the matching documents. The projection parameter takes a document of the following form: { field1: , field2: ... }. If not specified, all the colums in the collection/view will be returned.


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns the selected document, and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource (database, collection or document) not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request. It is equivalent to a delete+insert.

Query Document-oriented documents

Queries a collection or view of a document-oriented database

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Request URL (collections): GET /doc/databases/<database_name>/collections/<collection_name>/documents?projection=<projection>&filter=<filter>&skip=<skip>&limit=<limit>

Request URL (views): GET /doc/databases/<database_name>/views/<view_name>/documents?projection=<projection>&filter=<filter>&skip=<skip>&limit=<limit>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
collection_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the collection
view_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the view
projection No Query JSON Object The projection parameter determines which fields are returned in the matching documents. The projection parameter takes a document of the following form: { field1: , field2: ... }. If not specified, all the colums in the collection/view will be returned.
filter No Query JSON object Specifies selection filter using query operators, using the form { : { : }, ... }. To return all documents in a collection, omit this parameter or pass an empty document ({}). More information on MongoDB documentation. [(]
skip No Query Integer Specifies the first number of results to be ignored (not returned). Used usually for pagination.
limit No Query Integer Specifies the maximum number of results to be returned


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns a list of the selected documents, and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource (database or collection) not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Create Document-oriented Role

Creates a role in a given document-oriented database.

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Request URL: POST /doc/databases/<database_name>/roles

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
role Yes Body entity JSON object A document containing the name of the role and the role definition. It must specify the name of the role. For more detailed information see role definition of MongoDB.


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
201 Role created
400 Bad request. There are errors in the specification of the role
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Database not found
409 Role already exists
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Drop Document-oriented Role

Drops an existing role of a given document-oriented database.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: DELETE /doc/databases/<database_name>/roles/<role_name>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
role_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted role


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource (database or role) not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Catalog Document-oriented Roles

Gets the list of roles (catalog) of a given document-oriented database.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: GET /doc/databases/<database_name>/roles

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns a catalog (list) of the roles of the database and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 Success
404 Database not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.

Create Document-oriented User

Creates a user in a given document-oriented database.

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Request URL: POST /doc/databases/<database_name>/users

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
user Yes Body entity ID String ID (name) of the user
pwd Yes Body entity Password of the user


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
201 User created
400 Bad request. There are errors in the specification of the user
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Database not found
409 User already exists
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Drop Document-oriented User

Drops an existing user of a given document-oriented database.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: DELETE /doc/databases/<database_name>/users/<user_name>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
user_name Yes Resource String ID (name) of the user


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource (database or user) not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Catalog Document-oriented Users

Gets the list of users (catalog) of a given document-oriented database.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8





Request URL: GET /doc/databases/<database_name>/users

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns a catalog (list) of the users of the database and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 Success
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Database not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Add Document-oriented role to user

Grants the privileges of a role to a given user in a document-oriented database.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: PUT /doc/databases/<database_name>/users/<user_name>/roles/<role_name>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
user_name Yes Resource String ID (name) of the user
role_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted role


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource (database, user or role) not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request. It is equivalent to a delete+insert.

Delete Document-oriented role to user

Revokes the privileges of a role to a given user in a document-oriented database.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: DELETE /doc/databases/<database_name>/users/<user_name>/roles/<role_name>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
user_name Yes Resource String ID (name) of the user
role_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted role


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource (database, user or role) not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Grant permissions Document-oriented

Grants permissions to a role in a document-oriented database.

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL : PUT /doc/databases/<database_name>/roles/<role_name>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
role_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted role
privileges Yes Body entity JSON array List of privileges and scope to be granted. More information on MongoDB documentation. [(]


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource (database, user or role) not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request. It is equivalent to a delete+insert.

Revoke permissions Document-oriented

Revokes permissions to a role or user in a document-oriented database.

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL : DELETE /doc/databases/<database_name>/roles/<role_name>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
role_name Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted role
privileges Yes Body entity JSON array List of privileges and scope to be revoked. More information on MongoDB documentation. [(]


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource (database, user or role) not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request. It is equivalent to a delete+insert.

Query user pemissions Document-oriented

Gets the list of permissions of a user of a given document-oriented database.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8




Request URL: GET /doc/databases/<database_name>/users/<user_name>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
user_name Yes Resource String ID (name) of the user


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns a JSON document with the user and the roles it has and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 Success
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource (database or user) not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Time-series Storage

This section describes functionalities regarding time-series data storage.

It is based on InfluxDB database management system.

Create Time-series Database

Creates a new time-series database.

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: POST /tser/databases

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Body entity String ID (name) of the database


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Drop Time-series Database

Drops an existing time-series database.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: DELETE /tser/databases/<database_name>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database to be deleted


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Catalog Time-series Database Measurements

Gets the list of measurements (catalog) of a given time-series database.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Request URL: GET /tser/databases/<database_name>/measurements?measurement=<measurement>&filter=<filter>&offset=<offset>&limit=<limit>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
measurment No Query String Regular expression to filter the measurements by their names.
filter No Query String Filter of the measurements by the tags values. It conforms the WHERE clause of the statement. You can get more information about this on SHOW MEASUREMENT statement information on the InfluxDB documentation.
offset No Query Integer Specifies the first number of measurments to be ignored (not returned). Used usually for pagination. Must be used with limit.
limit No Query Integer Specifies the maximum number of measurments to be returned


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns a catalog (list) of the measurements of the database and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 Success
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Catalog Time-series Database Tag keys

Gets the list of tag keys of a given time-series database.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Request URL: GET /tser/databases/<database_name>/tag_keys?measurement=<measurement>&filter=<filter>&offset=<offset>&limit=<limit>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
measurment No Query String Name of the measurement
filter No Query String Filter of the tag_key by the tags values. It conforms the WHERE clause of the statement. You can get more information about this on SHOW TAG KEYS statement information on the InfluxDB documentation.
offset No Query Integer Specifies the first number of measurments to be ignored (not returned). Used usually for pagination. Must be used with limit.
limit No Query Integer Specifies the maximum number of measurments to be returned


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns a list of the tag keys of the database and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 Success
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Catalog Time-series Database Tag values

Gets the list of tag values of a given time-series database.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Request URL: GET /tser/databases/<database_name>/tag_values?measurement=<measurement>&keys=<keys>&filter=<filter>&offset=<offset>&limit=<limit>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
measurment No Query String Name of the measurement
keys Yes Query String Key spcification. It supports specifying a single tag key, a regular expression, and multiple tag keys.
filter No Query String Filter of the tag_values by the tags values. It conforms the WHERE clause of the statement. You can get more information about this on SHOW TAG VALUES statement information on the InfluxDB documentation.
offset No Query Integer Specifies the first number of measurments to be ignored (not returned). Used usually for pagination. Must be used with limit.
limit No Query Integer Specifies the maximum number of measurments to be returned


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns a list of the tag values of the database and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 Success
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Catalog Time-series Database Field keys

Gets the list of field keys of a given time-series database.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Request URL: GET /tser/databases/<database_name>/field_keys?measurement=<measurement>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
measurment No Query String Name of the measurement


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns a list of the field keys of the database and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 Success
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Catalog Time-series Database Series

Gets the list of series of a given time-series database.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Request URL: GET /tser/databases/<database_name>/series?measurement=<measurement>&filter=<filter>&offset=<offset>&limit=<limit>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
measurment No Query String Name of the measurement
filter No Query String Filter of the series by the tags values. It conforms the WHERE clause of the statement. You can get more information about this on SHOW SERIES statement information on the InfluxDB documentation.
offset No Query Integer Specifies the first number of measurments to be ignored (not returned). Used usually for pagination. Must be used with limit.
limit No Query Integer Specifies the maximum number of measurments to be returned


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns a list of the series of the database and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 Success
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Catalog Time-series Database Retention Policies

Gets the list of Retention Policies (catalog) of a given time-series database.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Request URL: GET /tser/databases/<database_name>/retention_policies

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns a catalog (list) of the retention policies of the database and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 Success
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Catalog Time-series Database Continuous Queries

Gets the list of Continuous Queries (catalog) of a given time-series database.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

              "CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY cq_basic ON test BEGIN SELECT mean(passengers) INTO test.autogen.average_passengers FROM test.autogen.bus_data GROUP BY time(1h) END"


Request URL: GET /tser/databases/<database_name>/continuous_queries

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns a catalog (list) of the continuous queries of the database and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 Success
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Insert data in a Time-series database

Inserts data in a given time-series database. The data is composed on the following elements:

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
measurement_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the measurement
fieldSet Yes Body entity Key-value field set Field set. List of 1 to N fieldField-fieldValue pairs.
tagSet No Body entity Key-value tag set Tag set. List of 0 to N tagField-tagValue pairs.
time No Body entity Timestamp Timestamp. If not specified, system timestamp will be inserted


Request URL: POST /tser/databases/<database_name>/measurements/<measurement_name>/series

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
measurement_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the measurement
values Yes Body entity JSON object List of values. The values must have fieldSet and may have tagSet and time.


Returns a status code, and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
201 Rows inserted
400 Bad request. There are errors in the specification of the request
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Database not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Drop Time-series Measurement

Drops an existing measurement of a given time-series database.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: DELETE /tser/databases/<database_name>/measurements/<measurement_name>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
measurement_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the measurement


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body. Note that it does not return an error if the measurement or the database does not exist.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Delete Time-series points

Deletes a set of points of given time-series database.

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "filter":"Name = 'John' and time smaller than '2016-01-01'",
HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: DELETE /tser/databases/<database_name>/series

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
filter No* Body entity String Filter of the rows. It will be an string specifying the WHERE clause. If not specified, all the rows will be deleted. The condition may include only tags and time.
measurement No* Body entity String Name of the measurement. If not specified the filter will be applied to all measurements in the database.
drop_series No Body entity Integer 1 means that the statement must also drop the series from the index. 0 means it must just delete the points. The default value is 1.

Note: At least one of filter and measurement must be specified.


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Database not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Query Time-series measurement

Queries a measurement of a time-series database

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Request URL : GET /tser/databases/<database_name>/measurements/<measurement_name>/series?colums=<colums>&filter=<filter>&skip=<skip>&sskip=<sskip>&limit=<limit>&slimit=<slimit>&group_by=<group_by>&order_by=<order_by>&time_zone=<time_zone>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
measurement_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the measurement
columns No Query JSON Object Column list. The columns can be real column names or aggregation expressions (MAX, MIN, AVG...). If not specified, all the colums in the table will be returned.
filter No Query String Filter of the points. It will be an string specifying the WHERE clause of the select. If not specified, all the points will be selected.
skip No Query Integer Specifies the first number of points to be ignored (not returned). Used usually for pagination. Must be used with limit.
sskip No Query Integer Specifies the first number of points to be ignored (not returned). Used usually for pagination. Must be used with slimit.
limit No Query Integer Specifies the maximum number of points to be returned
slimit No Query Integer Specifies the maximum number of series to be returned
group_by No Query String Creates a group for each combination of column expressions. It will be an string specifying the GROUP BY clause of the select.
order_by No Query String Order criteria of the points. It will be an string specifying the ORDER BY clause of the select.
time_zone No Query String The tz() clause includes the UTC offset or, if applicable, the UTC Daylight Savings Time (DST) offset to the query�s returned timestamps. The time_zone parameter follows the TZ syntax in the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority time zone database.


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns a list of the selected points, and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Database not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Create Time-series Continuous Query

Creates a new time-series continuous query.

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: POST /tser/databases/<database_name>/measurements/<measurement_name>/continuous_querys

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
measurement_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the measurement
continuous_query_name Yes Body entity ID String ID (name) of the continuous query
function Yes Body entity String Function to be performed. More information on Continuous Query syntax in influxDB documentation.
destination_measurement Yes Body entity String Name of the destination measurement
filter No Body entity String Condition. It conforms the WHERE clause of the statement.
group_by Yes Body entity String Grouping expression. It will be an string specifying the GROUP BY clause of the select.
resample_every No Body entity String CQs execute at the same interval as the 'resample_every' interval, and they run at the start of InfluxDB�s preset time boundaries.
resample_for No Body entity String When the CQ executes, it runs a single query for the time range between now() and now() minus the 'resample_for' interval. If the 'resample_for' interval is two hours and the current time is 17:00, the query�s time range is between 15:00 and 16:59.999999999.


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Drop Time-series Continuous Query

Drops an existing time-series continuous query.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: DELETE /tser/databases/<database_name>/measurements/<measurement_name>/continuous_querys/<continuous_query_name>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
measurement_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the measurement
continuous_query_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the continuous query


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Create Time-series Retention Policy

Creates a new time-series retention policy.

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

.1 200 OK


Request URL: `POST /tser/databases//retention_policies

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
retention_policy_name Yes Body entity ID String ID (name) of the retention policy
duration Yes Body entity String Determines how long InfluxDB keeps the data. The 'duration' is a duration literal or INF (infinite). The minimum duration for a retention policy is one hour and the maximum duration is INF.
replication Yes Body entity Integer Determines how many independent copies of each point are stored in the cluster, where 'replication' is the number of data nodes.


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.

Drop Time-series Retention Policy

Drops an existing time-series retention policy.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: DELETE /tser/databases/<database_name>/retention_policies/<retention_policy_name>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
retention_policy_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the retention policy


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Create Time-series User

Creates a user in a given time-series database.

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: POST /tser/databases/<database_name>/users

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
new_user_name Yes Body entity ID String ID (name) of the user
new_user_password Yes Body entity Password of the user


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
400 Bad request. There are errors in the specification of the user
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Database not found
409 User already exists
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Drop Time-series User

Drops an existing user of a given time-series database.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: DELETE /tser/databases/<database_name>/users/<user_name>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
user_name Yes Resource String ID (name) of the user


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Catalog Time-series Users

Gets the list of users (catalog) of a given time-series database.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Request URL: GET /tser/databases/<database_name>/users

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns a catalog (list) of the users of the database and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 Success
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Database not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Grant permissions to Time-series user

Grants permissions to a user in a time-series database.

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL : PUT /tser/databases/<database_name>/users/<user_name>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
user_name Yes Resource String ID (name) of the user
permission Yes Body entity JSON Object Permission to be granted. It must be one of: READ, WRITE, ALL


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource (database, user) not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request. It is equivalent to a delete+insert.

Revoke permissions to Time-series user

Revokes permissions to a user in a time-series database.

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL : DELETE /tser/databases/<database_name>/users/<user_name>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
user_name Yes Resource String ID (name) of the user
permission Yes Body entity JSON Object Permission to be revoked. It must be one of: READ, WRITE, ALL


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource (database, user) not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request. It is equivalent to a delete+insert.

Query user permissions to Time-series user

Gets the list of permissions of a user of a given time-series database.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Request URL: GET /tser/databases/<database_name>/users/<user_name>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
database_name Yes Resource String The ID/Name of the database
user_name Yes Resource String ID (name) of the user


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns a catalog (list) of the permissions and scope of the database and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 Success
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 User not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Data Transformation

Invoke Transformation

The RESTful interface Invoke Transformation transforms the input data and returns the transformed data as output according to the rules implemented in its functional implementation by calling the transformation engine.

Input and output data can only follow the schema in which the transformation is based upon, eg a transformation csv2json will only accept CSV files (formatted as dictated by the transformation rules) and will only produce a JSON file structured following the specifications of the transformation package.

POST<ID>/transformation HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/xml

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/xml

     "machine": "machine1",
     "company": "Tardy",
     "measures": [{
         "name": "clutch1",
         "temp": "63.1",
         "pres": "600"
         "name": "clutch2",
         "temp": "61.7",
         "pres": "586"
         "name": "clutch3",
         "temp": "59.7",
         "pres": "614"
         "name": "clutch4",
         "temp": "64.1",
         "pres": "603"


Request URL: POST<ID>/transformation?session=userToken

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
engineId Yes Resource String ID of the engine to execute
userToken Yes Query String The userToken propagated through all requests
object Yes Body entity Json Array A serialised JSON object to transform, embedded in a wrapper


Returns a transformed JSON object in the same format as the input object.

If there is an error during the processing, a message should be returned to specify detailed information and return a HTTP Statuscode.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 Object transformed
403 Insufficient rights
404 Transformation engine not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Data Analytics

The Data Analytics component provides functionalities to derive knowledge, insights, and events from stream- and historic-process-data within the manufacturing domain. The vf-OS developer will be accessing the Data Analytics UI to encapsulate these functionalities in what is called an Analytic Library to be then deployed as part of a vApp. Then, all interactions between the Data Analytics component and any other vf-OS component will always be consumed by the Data Analytics component.

As an example, some of these interactions are the following:

Stream Analytics

This section describes functionalities regarding stream analytics.

General URL

Requests are formatted with the following common variables.

Name Example Description
hostname Specifies the server host
port 7777 Specifies the server port
resource_uri companies/company1 The uri of the resource

The URL is presented in the following format:


The left part of the URL, up to the resource_uri, is common to all the API endpoints, so it will not be repeated in every interface in this documentation. This should be prefixed to every endpoint.


The content type, for requests as well as for responses will be JSON.

Request and response examples

This guide includes request and response examples. For the shake of clarity examples do not include not relevant information, as the following.

GET /streamAnalytics/companies?pageSize=2&amp; pageNumber=1 HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8089
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
cache-control: no-cache

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 06 May 2016 12:21:00 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

Get companies

Returns a list containing data for all companies. For each company we get information about its modules, dataSources, users, etc.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    "company": null,
    "listOfCompanies": [
            "dataSources": [],
            "description": "VF_OS",
            "modules": [],
            "name": "VF_OS",
            "users": [
                    "companyName": "VF_OS",
                    "description": "User 1",
                    "name": "User1",
                    "userType": "VF_OS"
                    "companyName": "VF_OS",
                    "description": "User 2",
                    "name": "User2",
                    "userType": "VF_OS"
            "dataSources": [
                    "companyName": "mass",
                    "description": "dataSource1",
                    . . .


Request URL: GET /companies

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
pageSize No Resource Integer Number of items in the page
pageNumber No Resource Integer Page number


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns a list of the companies with the information about every company and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 Success
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Companies not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Create new company

Adds a new company to the list.


    "name": "{{auxCompany}}",
    "description": "A new company !!!",
    "users": [],
    "dataSources": [],
    "modules": []


Request URL: POST /companies

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
company Yes Body JSON Object Company data.


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
201 Company created
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Companies not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Validate all companies

Gets the result of validating all companies. A company is valid when its modules, datasources, users and thresholds are valid (have good values for every required field).

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    . . .
    "validationResult": {
        "valid": false,
        "messages": [
            "DeltaPressionGeneralRefrigerator:  unknown token"
    "currentState": null


Request URL: GET /companies/valid

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
pageSize No Resource Integer Number of items in the page
pageNumber No Resource Integer Page number


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns a validation status (in validationResult.valid) and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 Success
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Companies not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Get company

Returns information for a specific company (dataSources, modules, users, etc).

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "company": {
        "dataSources": [
                "companyName": "myCompany",
                "description": "dataSource1",
                "fields": [
                        "dataSourceName": "ds2",
                        "companyName": "myCompany",
                        "description": "Reading machine id unique",
                        "fieldClass": "KEY",
                        "name": "pp1",
                        "type": "STRING"
                    . . .


Request URL: GET /companies/<companyId>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
companyId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted company


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns data with the information about the company and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 Success
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Updates a company

Updates data values in a company. The new values are provided in the request body.

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "name": "myCompany",
    "description": "Updated Description ...!",
    "dataSources": null,
    "modules": null
HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: PUT /companies/<companyId>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
companyId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted company
company No Body JSON Object New data values for the company.


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 Ok. Company updated.
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Company not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Delete company

Deletes a company from the list.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: DELETE /streamAnalytics/companies/<companyId>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
companyId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted company


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 OK
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Company not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Validate a company

Gets the result of validating a specific company. A company is valid when its modules, datasources, users and thresholds are valid (have good values for every required field).

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    "company": null,
    "listOfCompanies": null,
    "module": null,
    "listOfModules": null,
    "dataSource": null,
    "listOfDataSources": null,
    "sentence": null,
    "listOfSentences": null,
    "threshold": null,
    "listOfThresholds": null,
    "user": null,
    "listOfUsers": null,
    "status": {
        "httpStatusCode": "200",
        "errorCode": "200",
        "errorMessage": ""
    "validationResult": {
        "valid": true,
        "messages": [
    "currentState": null


Request URL: GET /companies/<companyId>/valid

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
companyId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted company


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns a validation status (in validationResult.valid) and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 Success
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Get modules

Returns a list containing data for all modules in the company. The list supports paging.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    "company": null,
    "listOfCompanies": null,
    "module": null,
    "listOfModules": [
            "companyName": "mass",
            "dataSourceNames": [
            "fullDataSources": true,
            "dataSources": [
                    "companyName": "mass",
                    "description": "readings with temperature & presures measurements",
                    "fields": [
                            "dataSourceName": "compressorReadings",
                            "companyName": "mass",
                            "description": "Reading temperature water inlet 2 compressor",
                            "fieldClass": "MEASUREMENT_VALUE",
                            "name": "TR101",
                            "type": "DOUBLE"
                        . . .


Request URL: GET /companies/<companyId>/modules

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
companyId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted company
pageSize No Resource Integer Number of items in the page
pageNumber No Resource Integer Page number


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns a list of the modules in the company, with the information about every module and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 Success
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Adds a new module to the company

Creates a new module and adds it to the modules in the company.


    "companyName": "myCompany",
    "description": "The aux module",
    "name": "auxModule",
    "status": "UNLOADED"


Request URL: POST /companies/<companyId>/modules

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
companyId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted company.
module Yes Body JSON Object Module data.


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
201 Module created
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Get module

Returns information for a specific module (dataSources, sentences, thresholds, status...)

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    "company": null,
    "listOfCompanies": null,
    "module": {
        "companyName": "myCompany",
        "dataSourceNames": [
        "fullDataSources": true,
        "dataSources": [
              . . .


Request URL: GET /companies/<companyId>/modules/<moduleId>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
companyId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted company
moduleId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted module


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns data with the information about the module and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 Success
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Updates a module

Updates data values in a module. The new values are provided in the request body.


    "companyName": "myCompany",
    "description": "AAAAAA",
    "name": "myModule",
    "status": "LOADED"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: PUT /companies/<companyId>/modules/<moduleId>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
companyId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted company.
moduleId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted module.
module Yes Body JSON Object New data values for the module.


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 Ok. Company updated.
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Delete module

Deletes a module from a company.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: DELETE /streamAnalytics/companies/<companyId>/modules/<moduleId>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
companyId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted company
moduleId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted module


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 OK
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Validate module

Gets a module validation status. A module is valid if its dataSources, sentences and thresholds are valid.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    . . .
    "validationResult": {
        "valid": true,
        "messages": []
    "currentState": null


Request URL: GET /companies/<companyId>/modules/<moduleId>/valid

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
companyId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted company
moduleId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted module


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns a validation status (in validationResult.valid) and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 Success
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Gets module current state

Returns current state for the module (DEPLOYED, UNDEPLOYED, UNDEPLOYED_WITH_ERRORS...).

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

   . . .
    "currentState": "DEPLOYED"


Request URL: GET /companies/<companyId>/modules/<moduleId>/currentState

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
companyId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted company
moduleId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted module


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns the current state for the module (in currentState) and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 Success
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Sends command to a module

Send a command (load, unload) to the module.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: POST /companies/<companyId>/modules/<moduleId>/commands

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
companyId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted company.
moduleId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted module
command Yes Query String The command to send.


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 OK
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Get sentences

Returns a list containing data for all sentences in a module. The list supports paging.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    "company": null,
    "listOfCompanies": null,
    "module": null,
    "listOfModules": null,
    "dataSource": null,
    "listOfDataSources": null,
    "sentence": null,
    "listOfSentences": [
            "alarmName": "EXCESS_TEMPERATURE",
            "companyName": "mass",
            "condition": "(TR7 - TR100 > DeltaWaterTempCal ) AND (TR2 + TR200 < DeltaWaterTempOfGeneralRefrigerator)",
            "dataSourceName": "compressorReadings",
            "description": "",
            "level": "CRITICAL",
            "moduleName": "temperatureAnalysis",
            "name": "AlarmTemperatureCompressorReadings1",
            "status": "STARTED",
            "type": "ALARM_DETECTION"
        . . .


Request URL: GET /companies/<companyId>/modules/<moduleId>/sentences

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
companyId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted company
moduleId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted module
pageSize No Resource Integer Number of items in the page
pageNumber No Resource Integer Page number


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns a list of the sentences in the module, with the information about every sentence and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 Success
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Adds a new sentence to the module

Creates a new sentence and adds it to the sentences in the module.


    "alarmName": "EXCESO_TEMPERATURA",
    "companyName": "myCompany",
    "condition": "TR101 > ( TR31 + GDeltaTAguaRefrigeradorGeneral ) AND TR7 < ( TR31 + GDeltaTAguaCal )",
    "dataSourceName": "compressorReadings",
    "description": "",
    "level": "CRITICAL",
    "type": "ALARM_DETECTION",
    "moduleName": "myModule",
    "name": "auxSentence"


Request URL: POST /companies/<companyId>/modules/<moduleId>/sentences

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
companyId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted company.
moduleId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted module.
sentence Yes Body JSON Object Sentence data.


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
201 Sentence created
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Get sentence

Returns data for a single sentence from its id (alarm_name, condition, level, status...).

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    "company": null,
    "listOfCompanies": null,
    "module": null,
    "listOfModules": null,
    "dataSource": null,
    "listOfDataSources": null,
    "sentence": {
        "alarmName": "EXCESS_TEMPERATURE",
        "companyName": "mass",
        "condition": "(TR7 - TR100 > DeltaWaterTempCal ) AND (TR2 + TR200 < DeltaWaterTempOfGeneralRefrigerator)",
        "dataSourceName": "compressorReadings",
        "description": "",
        "level": "CRITICAL",
        "moduleName": "temperatureAnalysis",
        "name": "AlarmTemperatureCompressorReadings1",
        "status": "STARTED",
        "type": "ALARM_DETECTION"
    . . .


Request URL: GET /companies/<companyId>/modules/<moduleId>/sentences/<sentenceId>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
companyId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted company
moduleId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted module
sentenceId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted sentence


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns data with the information about the sentence and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 Success
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Updates a sentence

Updates data values in a sentence. The new values are provided in the request body.


    "alarmName": "EXCESO_TEMPERATURA",
    "companyName": "myCompany",
    "dataSourceName": "myDataSource",
    "moduleName": "myModule",
    "name": "mySentence",
    "type": "ALARM_DETECTION"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: PUT /companies/<companyId>/modules/<moduleId>/sentences/<sentenceId>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
companyId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted company.
moduleId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted module.
sentenceId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted sentence.
sentence No Body JSON Object New data values for the sentence.


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 Ok. Company updated.
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Delete sentence

Deletes a sentence from a module.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: DELETE /streamAnalytics/companies/<companyId>/modules/<moduleId>/sentences/<sentenceId>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
companyId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted company
moduleId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted module
sentenceId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted sentence


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 OK
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Sends command to a sentence

Send a command (run, stop) to the sentence.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: POST /companies/<companyId>/modules/<moduleId>/commands

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
companyId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted company.
moduleId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted module.
sentenceId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted sentence.
command Yes Query String The command to send.


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 OK
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Validate sentence

Gets a sentence validation status. A sentence is valid if it references a valid dataSource and valid thresholds and the condition is a valid expression.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    . . .
    "validationResult": {
        "valid": true,
        "messages": [
            "esper:  ( TR7 - TR100 > DeltaWaterTempCal ) AND ( TR2 + TR200 < DeltaWaterTempOfGeneralRefrigerator ) ",
            "vf-os:  ( TR7 - TR100 > DeltaWaterTempCal ) AND ( TR2 + TR200 < DeltaWaterTempOfGeneralRefrigerator )"
    "currentState": null


Request URL: GET /companies/<companyId>/modules/<moduleId>/sentences/<sentenceId>/valid

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
companyId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted company
moduleId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted module
sentenceId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted sentence


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns a validation status (in validationResult.valid) and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 Success
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Gets sentence current state

Returns current state for the sentence (STARTED, STOPPED, DESTROYED, FAILED).

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    . . .
    "currentState": "STOPPED"


Request URL: GET /companies/<companyId>/modules/<moduleId>/sentences/<mySentence>/currentState

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
companyId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted company
moduleId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted module
sentenceId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted sentence


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns the current state for the sentence (in currentState) and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 Success
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Get thresholds

Returns a list containing data for all thresholds in a module. The list supports paging.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    . . .
    "listOfThresholds": [
            "companyName": "mass",
            "description": "Threshold for the water Temperature of General Refrigerator expressed in degrees",
            "moduleName": "temperatureAnalysis",
            "name": "DeltaWaterTempOfGeneralRefrigerator",
            "type": "DOUBLE",
            "value": "67.8"
            "companyName": "mass",
            "description": "CHANGED  !!!!",
            "moduleName": "temperatureAnalysis",
            "name": "DeltaWaterTempCal",
            "type": "DOUBLE",
            "value": "4.55"
    . . .


Request URL: GET /companies/<companyId>/modules/<moduleId>/thresholds

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
companyId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted company
moduleId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted module
pageSize No Resource Integer Number of items in the page
pageNumber No Resource Integer Page number


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns a list of the thresholds in the module, with the information about every threshold and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 Success
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Adds a new threshold to the module

Creates a new threshold and adds it to the thresholds in the module.


    "companyName": "myCompany",
    "description": "",
    "moduleName": "myModule",
    "name": "myThreshold",
    "type": "DOUBLE",
    "value": "100.5"


Request URL: POST /companies/<companyId>/modules/<moduleId>/thresholds

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
companyId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted company.
moduleId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted module.
threshold Yes Body JSON Object threshold data.


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
201 Threshold created
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Get threshold

Returns data for a single threshold from its id (name, type, value...).

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    . . .
    "threshold": {
        "companyName": "myCompany",
        "description": "A simple threshold",
        "moduleName": "myModule",
        "name": "myThreshold",
        "type": "DOUBLE",
        "value": "4.55"
    . . .


Request URL: GET /companies/<companyId>/modules/<moduleId>/thresholds/<thresholdId>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
companyId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted company
moduleId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted module
thresholdId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted threshold


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns data with the information about the threshold and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 Success
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Updates a threshold

Updates data values in a threshold. The new values are provided in the request body.


    "companyName": "myCompany",
    "description": "CHANGED  !!!!",
    "moduleName": "myModule",
    "name": "myThreshold",
    "type": "DOUBLE",
    "value": "4.55"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: PUT /companies/<companyId>/modules/<moduleId>/thresholds/<thresholdId>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
companyId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted company.
moduleId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted module.
thresholdId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted threshold.
threshold No Body JSON Object New data values for the threshold.


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 Ok. Threshold updated.
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Delete threshold

Deletes a threshold from a module.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: DELETE /streamAnalytics/companies/<companyId>/modules/<moduleId>/thresholds/<thresholdId>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
companyId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted company
moduleId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted module
thresholdId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted threshold


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 OK
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Validate threshold

Gets a threshold validation status. A threshold is valid if its value correspond with its type.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    . . .
    "validationResult": {
        "valid": true,
        "messages": [
    "currentState": null


Request URL: GET /companies/<companyId>/modules/<moduleId>/thresholds/<thresholdId>/valid

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
companyId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted company
moduleId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted module
thresholdId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted threshold


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns a validation status (in validationResult.valid) and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 Success
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Get dataSources

Returns a list containing data for all dataSources in the company. The list supports paging.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

   . . .
    "listOfDataSources": [
            "companyName": "myCompany",
            "description": "dataSource1",
            "fields": [
                    "dataSourceName": "ds2",
                    "companyName": "myCompany",
                    "description": "Reading machine id unique",
                    "fieldClass": "KEY",
                    "name": "pp1",
                    "type": "STRING"
                . . .


Request URL: GET /companies/<companyId>/dataSources

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
companyId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted company
pageSize No Resource Integer Number of items in the page
pageNumber No Resource Integer Page number


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns a list of the dataSources in the company, with the information about every dataSource and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 Success
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Adds a new dataSource to the company

Creates a new dataSource and adds it to the dataSources in the company.


    "companyName": "myCompany",
    "description": "a new data source",
    "name": "myDataSource",
    "status": "STOPPED",
    "topic": "TheTopic"


Request URL: POST /companies/<companyId>/dataSources

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
companyId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted company.
dataSource Yes Body JSON Object DataSource data.


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
201 DataSource created
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Get dataSource

Returns information for a specific dataSource (name, description, fields, status, topic...).

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    . . .
    "dataSource": {
        "companyName": "myCompany",
        "description": "readings with temperature & presures measurements",
        "fields": [
                "dataSourceName": "myDataSource",
                "companyName": "myCompany",
                "description": "Reading temperature water inlet 2 compressor",
                "fieldClass": "MEASUREMENT_VALUE",
                "name": "TR101",
                "type": "DOUBLE"
            . . .


Request URL: GET /companies/<companyId>/dataSources/<dataSourceId>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
companyId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted company
dataSourceId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted dataSource


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns data with the information about the dataSource and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 Success
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Updates a dataSource

Updates data values in a dataSource. The new values are provided in the request body.


        "companyName": "myCompany",
        "description": "a new data source",
        "name": "myDataSource",
        "status": "STOPPED",
        "topic": "The  NEW   topic"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: PUT /companies/<companyId>/dataSources/<dataSourceId>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
companyId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted company.
dataSourceId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted dataSource.
dataSource Yes Body JSON Object New data values for the dataSource.


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 Ok. DataSource updated.
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Delete dataSource

Deletes a dataSource from a company.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: DELETE /streamAnalytics/companies/<companyId>/dataSources/<dataSourceId>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
companyId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted company
dataSourceId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted dataSource


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 OK
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Validate dataSource

Gets a dataSource validation status. A dataSource is valid if it references a valid topic and has at least three fields (one of type "KEY", one of type "MEASUREMENT_TIMESTAMP" and one of type "MEASUREMENT_VALUE").

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    . . .
    "validationResult": {
        "valid": false,
        "messages": [
            "dataSourceValid: DATA SOURCE (myCompany.myDataSource) hasn´t key defined (class)",
            "dataSourceValid: DATA SOURCE (myCompany.myDataSource) hasn´t measurement timestamp (class)",
            "dataSourceValid: DATA SOURCE (myCompany.myDataSource) hasn´t any defined measure (class) "
    "currentState": null


Request URL: GET /companies/<companyId>/dataSources/<dataSourceId>/valid

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
companyId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted company
dataSourceId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted dataSource


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns a validation status (in validationResult.valid) and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 Success
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Get users

Returns a list containing data for all users in the company. The list supports paging.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

   . . .
    "listOfUsers": [
            "companyName": "myCompany",
            "description": "usuario 1",
            "name": "user1",
            "userType": "COMPANY"
    . . .


Request URL: GET /companies/<companyId>/users

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
companyId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted company
pageSize No Resource Integer Number of items in the page
pageNumber No Resource Integer Page number


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns a list of the users in the company, with the information about every user and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 Success
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Adds a new user to the company

Creates a new user and adds it to the users in the company.


    "companyName": "myCompany",
    "description": "usuario nuevo",
    "name": "newUser",
    "userType": "COMPANY"


Request URL: POST /companies/<companyId>/users

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
companyId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted company.
user Yes Body JSON Object User data.


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
201 User created
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Get user

Returns information for a specific user (company name, name, description, type).

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  . . .
    "user": {
        "companyName": "myCompany",
        "description": "usuario 1",
        "name": "myUser",
        "userType": "COMPANY"
    . . .


Request URL: GET /companies/<companyId>/users/<userId>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
companyId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted company
userId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted user


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns data with the information about the user and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 Success
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Updates a user

Updates data values in a user. The new values are provided in the request body.


    "companyName": "myCompany",
    "description": "UPDATED DESCRIPTION",
    "name": "myUser",
    "userType": "COMPANY"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: PUT /companies/<companyId>/users/<userId>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
companyId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted company.
userId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted user.
user Yes Body JSON Object New data values for the user.


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 Ok. User updated.
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Delete user

Deletes a user from a company.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: DELETE /streamAnalytics/companies/<companyId>/users/<userId>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
companyId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted company
userId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted user


Returns a status code and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 OK
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Validate user

Gets a user validation status. A user is valid if the user type is one of "VF_OS" or "COMPANY".

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  . . .
    "validationResult": {
        "valid": true,
        "messages": []
    "currentState": null


Request URL: GET /companies/<companyId>/users/<userId>/valid

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
companyId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted company
userId Yes Resource String Identifier for the targeted user


Returns a status code. In case of success it also returns a validation status (in validationResult.valid) and in case of error, an error message in the response body.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 Success
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user has not enough privileges to perform this action.
404 Resource not found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

I/O Toolkit

Virtual Factory Input/Output Interface is a set of modules that virtualise factory’s real assets and connect them to their virtualised images in the vf-OS, vf-IO implements Plug-and-Play mechanisms and device drivers for seamless/open access and smart virtualisation of the factory resources; it is composed by devices drivers, API connectors, security and data access. Thus, the vf-IO is composed of the modules that enable connectivity to assets like legacy ERPs or CRMs, CPS’, smart objects or wireless sensor networks.

Enablers Framework

The Enablers Framework (EF) is a component of vf-OS that provides functionalities for integration of different FIWARE Generic Enablers, FIWARE Manufacturing Enablers and vf-OS Enablers. The interfaces provided by these enablers are based on different standards such as NGSI v1/v2, REST, SOAP and RPC. This complicates the task of the developer when integratating such diverse solutions in a vAPP. EF aims to encapsulate these enablers invocation complexity and provide uniform access interface so that service invocation of any enabler can be done in the same way.

Enablers Framework provides a REST interface for registering, querying and accessing enablers' functionalities. It is developed in the scope of the work package 3 (WP3), under tasks T3.1-T3.2.

The external interfaces exposed by Enablers Framework are provided by two service interfaces, Lookup Services and Access Services, with the following base URLs:

All request-handler responses are structured with JSend using Prestaul's Node.js library. All responses have a status and a data. Status can be success, fail or error. Data contains the enablers' responses or the error's full description.

Lookup: get all enablers

Retrieve all enablers, associated connection and its available services.

GET /lookup/enablers HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

      "description":"Publish/Subscribe Context Broker",
        "chapter":"Data/Context Management",
            "description":"Cancels a context subscription.",
            "description":"Gets info about about a concrete entity type.",
      "description":"Cloud Messaging",
        "chapter":"Data/Context Management",
            "description":"Get complete information of an specific entity.",


To get all information of the enablers, the request does not use any parameter.

Request URL: GET /enablers

Transfer Parameters

This endpoint does not have any parameters


If the response is successfull a http status code and data with all enablers' details as well as their connections and services is returned. In the case of an error, an http status code and a message with an error description is returned.

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "message":"connect ECONNREFUSED."

Common HTTP Return Codes

Code Description
200 OK
400 Malformed request
500 Server error

Lookup: retrieve a specific enabler

Retrieve the connection and its services of a specific enabler.

GET /enablers/orion HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "description":"Publish/Subscribe Context Broker",
      "chapter":"Data/Context Management",
          "description":"Gets info about about a concrete entity type.",
          "description":"Cancels a context subscription.",


It contains connectionName, which is a required URL parameter.

Request URL: GET /enablers/<enablerName>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
enablerName Yes Resource string The name of the enabler


If the response is successful, it returns an http status code and data with enabler's details as well as its connection and available services. In case of an error, it returns an http status code and additionally a message with the error description.

Common HTTP Return Codes

Code Description
200 OK
400 Malformed request
500 Server error

Lookup: retrieve a service

Retrieve a specific service of one enabler.

GET /enablers/orion/services/getTypeInfo HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "description":"Publish/Subscribe Context Broker",
      "chapter":"Data/Context Management",
          "description":"Gets info about about a concrete entity type.",
          "description":"Cancels a context subscription.",


Request URL: GET /enablers/<enablerName>/services/<serviceName>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
enablerName Yes Resource string The name of a specific enabler
serviceName Yes Resource string The name of a specific ervice


If the response is successful, it returns an http status code and data with service's details.

In case of an error, it returns also an http status code and additionally a message with an error description

Common HTTP Return Codes

Code Description
200 OK
400 Malformed request
500 Server error

Access Services: Invoke Service

Via this route it is possible to invoke one service of a specific enabler.

POST /accessfunctionality/orionv2/getEntity HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8




Request URL: POST /accessfunctionality/<enablerName>/<serviceName>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
enablerName Yes Resource string Enabler Name
serviceName Yes Resource string Service Name
bodyParams No Body object Regular request parameters
urlParams No Body object REST only. Parameters for the URL.


The response contains the status of invoking the service as well its data. If it returns one error, it will also return the error description.

Common HTTP Return Codes

Code Description
201 Created
400 Malformed request
500 Server error



Requests are formatted with the following format:<vfos_component>/<version>/<objecttype>/

Where the variables are as follows:

Name Example Level Description
version v1.0 All Drivers API version
vfos_component Drivers All Module queried
objecttype Devices All Type of object requested
object ID 569ce99e761b8e982d82c978 Existing objects Specifies the object ID.

This UUID is assigned by the server.

The common return codes are:

Code Description
200 OK - GET
404 NOT FOUND - [*]
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Get existing metadata on Drivers

Method to return the endpoint available by the Driver components (REST verbs). Useful for vf-Platform.

GET /api/drivers/v1/Metadata/ HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "description":"method to subscribe for log reception"
    "description":"method to unregister a device"


Request URL: GET /api/drivers/v1/Metadata/


Returns an object that describes the endpoint of the components and the data definitions. The description contains a collection of endpoints, objects, device proprietary parameters and sensor proprietary parameters. An endpoint is described with the following attributes

Name Type Description
paths array of objects list of endpoints (url, description, verb(PUT, GET, POST)
definitions array of objects list of definitions of the objects that are used as input or returned by the endpoint
proprietaryDeviceInfo array List of proprietary parameters that a specific driver implements and that a user has to provide value when instancing devices of that protocol. Additionally a provides a default value
proprietarySensorInfo array List of proprietary parameters that a specific driver implements and that a user has to provide value when instancing sensor of that protocol. Additionally a provides a default value

Log listing

Function to retrieve a driver log between two dates

GET /api/drivers/v1/Logs/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "timestamp":"2018-07-05 17:03:12",
    "message": "error on connection"
    "timestamp":"2018-07-05 17:05:12",
    "message": "node is not available"


Request URL: POST /api/drivers/v1/Logs/

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
start Yes Resource date specifies a minimum timestamp for the logEntries that should be retrieved
end Yes Resource date specifies a minimum timestamp for the logEntries that should be retrieved


Returns an array of logEntry objects containing a timestamp and log message object with the log between two dates of the driver component Each logEntry has:

Name Type Description
timestamp date timestamp when the log was done
message string log message

Register Device Configuration

Create a new device configuration to connect to a physical device in the shop-floor. The request must contain the connection parameters in json format.

POST /api/drivers/v1/Devices/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "processingExpression":"2*v + 7",
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Request URL: POST /api/drivers/v1/Devices/

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
processingExpression Yes Body string Expression to process data
proprietaryParameters No Body object A list of proprietary parameters configuration
name No Body string name of parameter
value No Body string value of parameter
_did Yes Body string uid of driver


Returns the 200 response with the id of the newly registered device. If any error, returns 400 error with the error message.

Edit Device Configuration

Changes the configuration of an existing device configuration on a driver component. The request must contain the connection parameters to be updated in json format.

PUT /api/drivers/v1/Devices/67c8uTrE HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "processingExpression":"4*v + 7",
HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: PUT /api/drivers/v1/Devices/<deviceId>/

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
devideId Yes Resource string Id of Device
processingExpression Yes Body string Expression to process data
proprietaryParameters No Body object A list of proprietary parameters configuration
name No Body string name of parameter
value No Body string value of parameter
_did Yes Body string uid of driver


Returns default HTTP Status Codes for Acknowledgement (200, 400 codes)

Unregister Device

Endpoint to delete an existing device configuration. Once that the device configuration is deleted, the device is no longer registered and components can no longer interact with the device.

DELETE /api/drivers/v1/Devices/67c8uTrE HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: DELETE /api/drivers/v1/Devices/<deviceId>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
deviceId Yes Resource string device id to be unregistered


Returns default HTTP Status Codes for Acknowledgement (200, 400 codes)

Register Sensor

Create a new sensor configuration in an existing device to collect data from or send commands to a specific sensor connected to the device. The request must contain the configuration parameters to connect to the sensor in json format.

POST /api/drivers/v1/Devices/67c8uTrE/Sensors/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Request URL: POST /api/drivers/v1/Devices/<deviceId>/Sensors/

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
deviceId Yes Resource string Device Id
name Yes Body string name of the sensor
property Yes Body object physical property measured by the sensor
name Yes Body string name of the entity the sensors is measuring e.g. temperature, humidity, etc
type Yes Body string type of value captured by the sensor
unit Yes Body string unit of the measure captured by the sensor
events Yes Body Array Object array of events for a suscription
type Yes Body string type of event (value or sampling)
samplingInterval Yes Body string sampling interval for events of type sampling
historicData Yes Body string this sensor will have its data stored in short term database
actuator Yes Body string This sensor can receive commands
proprietaryParameters No Body object proprietary parameters of a sensor conguration
name No Body string name of parameter
value No Body string value of parameter


Returns the ID of the newly registered sensor

Edit Sensor Configuration

Changes the configuration of existing sensor configuration of a device in a driver component. The request must contain the parameters to be updated in json format.

PUT /api/drivers/v1/Devices/67c8uTrE/Sensors/00c8a4Yw/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "name":"sensor1 packaging machine",
HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: PUT /api/drivers/v1/Devices/<deviceId>/Sensors/<sensorId>/

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
deviceId Yes Resource string Device Id
sensorId Yes Resource string Sensor Id
_sid Yes Body string sensor Id
_did Yes Body string Device Id
name Yes Body string name of the sensor
property Yes Body object physical property measured by the sensor
name Yes Body string name of the sensor
type Yes Body string type of value captured by the sensor
unit Yes Body string unit of the measure captured by the sensor
events Yes Body Array Object array of events for a suscription
type Yes Body string type of events (either value or or sampling)
samplingInterval Yes Body string sampling interval for events of type sampling
historicData Yes Body string this sensor will have its data stored in short term database
computingExpression Yes Body string Expression to process data of sensor
actuator Yes Body string This sensor can receive commands
proprietaryParameters No Body object proprietary parameters of a sensor conguration
name No Body string name of parameter
value No Body string value of parameter


Returns default HTTP Status Codes for Acknowledgement (200, 400 codes)

Delete Sensor Configuration

Endpoint to delete an existing sensor configuration of a device on a driver component. Once the sensor configuration is deleted, it is no longer possible to collect data from or send commands to the sensor.

DELETE /api/drivers/v1/Devices/67c8uTrE/Sensors/00c8a4Yw/ HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: DELETE /api/drivers/v1/Devices/<deviceId>/Sensors/<sensorId>/

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
deviceId Yes Resource string device id to be unregistered
sensorId Yes Resource string sensor id to be unregistered


Returns HTTP Status Code 200 if success, and HTTP Status Code 400 if any failure occurs.

Get Device Configuration

Retrieve the configuration of a device that has previously been created. The id of the device is provided in the request URL and the response returns all the device configuration parameters.

GET /api/drivers/v1/Devices/17c8uT HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "name":"Device X",


Request URL: GET /api/drivers/v1/Devices/<deviceId>

Transfer Parameters
Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
deviceId Yes Resource string device id of the device the configuration info is requested


Returns info about the device

Name Type Description
_did string id of device
name string name of device
processingExpression string a string to compute aggregated computation with sensor data of the device
propietaryParameters Array objects A list of proprietary parameters of the device

List existing devices

Returns a list of all previously configured devices in a driver component. The request does not take any arguments and it is not possible to apply filters to the request.

GET /api/drivers/v1/Devices/ HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "name":"device 1 packaging",
    "driver":"OPC UA driver"
    "name":"device 2 cutting machine",
    "driver":"MQTT driver"


Request URL: GET /api/drivers/v1/Devices/


Returns collection of registered devices Name | Type | Description --- | --- | --- _did | string | id of device name | string | name of device processingExpression | string | a string to compute aggregated computation with sensor data of the device propietaryParameters | Array objects | A list of proprietary parameters of the device

List sensors by device

Returns a list of all previously configured sensors in a device. The ID of the device is provided in the request URL and the request does not any other arguments.

GET /api/drivers/v1/Devices/6G439Kl/Sensors HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "name":"sensor 1 packaging",
    "name":"sensor 2 packaging",


Request URL: GET /api/drivers/v1/Devices/<deviceId>/Sensors/

Transfer Parameters
Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
deviceId Yes Resource string id of device


Returns a collection of sensors of given device

Name Type Description
_sid Yes Body
_did Yes Body
name Yes Body
property Yes Body
name Yes Body
type Yes Body
unit Yes Body
events Yes Body
type Yes Body
samplingInterval Yes Body
historicData Yes Body
computingExpression Yes Body
actuator Yes Body
proprietaryParameters No Body
name No Body
value No Body

Check Device Status

Endpoint to verify that the connection of a previously configured device is correct and that there are no errors in the connection to the physical device

GET /api/drivers/v1/Devices/6G439Kl/Status/ HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "name":"device 1 packaging",


Request URL: GET /api/drivers/v1/Devices/<deviceId>/Status/

Transfer Parameters
Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
deviceId Yes Resource string id of device


Returns the an object such as:

Name Type Description
_sid string sensor Id
status string ok/failure

Get data from sensor

Endpoint to read data from a sensor of a given device. The ID of the device and the ID of the sensor are provided in the request. The response returns a json object with the last data read from the sensor. This endpoint allows vf-OS components to pull data from a device.

GET /api/drivers/v1/Devices/6G439Kl/Sensors/s5G439Kl/Data HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "data": 45.32,
  "unit": "degrees",
  "timestamp": "2017-06-07"


Request URL: GET /api/drivers/v1/Devices/<deviceId>/Sensors/<sensorId>/Data

Transfer Parameters
Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
deviceId Yes Resource string id of device
sensorId Yes Resource string id of sensor


Returns json with a data measure.

Name Type Description
_did string device Id
_sid string sensor Id
data string return the real data that can be of type Boolean, integer, string or double. The casting is done using the sensorConfiguration by the driver automatically.
timestamp date date when the dataMeasure was taken by the sensor
status string ok/failure

Get Short-Term Historic Data from Device and Sensor

Endpoint to collect historic data from a sensor. The ID of the device and the ID of the sensor are provided in the request. The request can also provide cursors (ending_before, starting_after) to get a specific interval of the time series.

GET /api/drivers/v1/Devices/6G439Kl/Sensors/s5G439Kl/HistoricData?start=01/02/2017&end=12/02/2018 HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "timestamp":"2017-06-07 18:00"
    "timestamp":"2017-06-07 18:05"
    "timestamp":"2017-06-07 18:10"


Request URL: GET /api/drivers/v1/Devices/<deviceId>/Sensors/<sensorId>/HistoricData?start=<startDate>date&end=<endDate>

Transfer Parameters
Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
deviceId Yes Resource string id of device
sensorId Yes Resource string id of sensor
startDate Yes Resource date date from which measures are returned
endDate Yes Resource date date until measures are returned


Returns collection of measures Name | Type | Description ---- | ---- | --- _did| string| device Id _sid| string| sensor Id data| string| return the real data that can be of type Boolean, integer, string or double. The casting is done using the sensorConfiguration by the driver automatically. timestamp| date| date when the dataMeasure was taken by the sensor status| string| ok/failure

Send Command to Device / Sensor

Endpoint to send a command to a sensor of a device. The ID of the device and the ID of the sensor are provided in the request URL.

POST /api/drivers/v1/Devices/6G439Kl/Sensors/s5G439Kl/Command/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "command":"command X"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: POST /api/drivers/v1/Devices/<deviceId>/Sensors/<sensorId>/Command/

Transfer Parameters
Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
deviceId Yes Resource string id of device
sensorId Yes Resource string id of sensor
commandOrder Yes Body object object with command sent to sensor
commandType No Body string for future usage where several type of command will be feasible
command Yes Body string value to be written in the sensor


Returns 200 status code if the command was executed successfully. 400 code in case the command failed along with an error message


This specifies RESTful APIs of the API component. It provides a set of functionalities to manage the APIs and their lifecycle.

General URL

Requests are formatted with the following common variables.

Name Example Description
hostname Specifies the server host
port 9443 Specifies the server port
base_uri /api Specifies the base URI
version 1.0.0 API version
resource_uri /apis The uri of the resource

The URL is presented in the following format:

The left part of the URL, up to the resource_uri, is common to all the API endpoints, so it will not be repeated in every interface in this documentation. The user should assume this should be prefixed to every endpoint:

List APIs

This operation provides a list of available APIs. Each retrieved API is represented with a minimal amount of attributes. If you want to get complete details of an API, you need to use Get details of an API operation.

GET /api/v0.11/apis?limit=25&offset=0 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json



Request URL : GET /apis?limit=<limit>&offset=<offset>

Request Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
limit Yes Query int Maximum size of resource array to return
offset Yes Query int Starting point within the complete list of items qualified


Returns Each retrieved API is represented with a minimal amount of attributes. If you want to get complete details of an API, you need to use Get details of an API operation.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 List of qualifying APIs is returned
401 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid
406 Not Acceptable. The requested media type is not supported

Get details of an API

This operation retrieves complete details of a single API. You need to provide the id of the API to retrieve.

GET /api/v0.11/apis/747383bf-a531-4764-8a19-89b8646f754e HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "description":"Get current weather",
  "apiDefinition":"{\"swagger\":\"2.0\",\"paths\":{\"/w\":{\"get\":{\"responses\":{\"200\":{\"description\":\"\"}},\"parameters\":[{\"name\":\"id\",\"in\":\"query\",\"required\":false,\"type\":\"string\"},{\"name\":\"APPID\",\"in\":\"query\",\"required\":false,\"type\":\"string\"}],\"x-auth-type\":\"Application & Application User\",\"x-throttling-tier\":\"Unlimited\"}}},\"info\":{\"title\":\"ccurentWeather\",\"version\":\"1\"}}",
      "environmentName":"Production and Sandbox",


Request URL: GET /apis/<api_id>

Request Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
api_id Yes Resource string UUID of the API


Returns Successful response with the requested API in the body.

Name Type Description
id string UUID of the API
name string name of the API
description string Starting point within the complete list of items qualified
context string URI context path of the API
version string version of the API
provider string proider of the API
apiDefinition string Swagger definition of the API which contains details about URI templates and scopes.
wsdlUri string WSDL URL if the API is based on a WSDL endpoint
status string Statuts of the API
responseCaching string Enable/Disable the caching of token, version and name of API
cacheTimeout integer cache timeout
isDefaultVersion boolean Is this API the default version
type string type of the API
transport string Protocol to be used
tags string List of tags
tiers string Number of requests per minute
visibility string Visibility of the API
endpointConfig string Production endpoint of the API

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 The requested API in the body
404 Not Found. Requested API does not exist
406 Not Acceptable. The requested media type is not supported

Create API

This operation can be used by users who have permission to create APIs by specifying the details of the API in the payload.

POST /api/v0.11/apis HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json



Request URL: POST /apis

Request Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
name Yes Body string name of the API
description No Body string Starting point within the complete list of items qualified
context Yes Body string URI context path of the API
version Yes Body string version of the API
provider No Body string proider of the API
apiDefinition Yes Body string Swagger definition of the API which contains details about URI templates and scopes.
wsdlUri No Body string WSDL URL if the API is based on a WSDL endpoint
status No Body string Statuts of the API
responseCaching No Body string Enable/Disable the caching of token, version and name of API
cacheTimeout No Body integer cache timeout
isDefaultVersion Yes Body boolean Is this API the default version
type Yes Body string type of the API
transport Yes Body string Protocol to be used
tags No Body string List of tags
tiers Yes Body string Number of requests per minute
visibility Yes Body string Visibility of the API
endpointURLs Yes Body string Production endpoint of the API


Returns Successful response with the newly created object as entity in the body. Location header contains URL of newly created entity..

Response header:

Header Description
Content-Type The content type of the body (application/json)
Location The URL of the newly created resource

Common status codes returned

Code Description
201 The newly created object as entity in the body
400 Bad Request. Invalid request or validation error.
415 Unsupported Media Type. The entity of the request was in a not supported format.

Update API Specifications

This operation can be used to update an existing API. But the properties name, version, context, provider, and status will not be changed by this operation.

PUT /api/v0.11/apis/747383bf-a531-4764-8a19-89b8646f754e HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

  "description":"API New Description",
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "description":"API New Description",


Request URL: PUT /apis/<api_id>

Request Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
api_id Yes Resource string UUID of the API
name Yes Body string name of the API
description No Body string Starting point within the complete list of items qualified
context Yes Body string URI context path of the API
version Yes Body string version of the API
provider No Body string proider of the API
apiDefinition Yes Body string Swagger definition of the API which contains details about URI templates and scopes.
wsdlUri No Body string WSDL URL if the API is based on a WSDL endpoint
status No Body string Statuts of the API
responseCaching No Body string Enable/Disable the caching of token, version and name of API
cacheTimeout No Body integer cache timeout
isDefaultVersion Yes Body boolean Is this API the default version
type Yes Body string type of the API
transport Yes Body string Protocol to be used
tags No Body string List of tags
tiers Yes Body string Number of requests per minute
visibility Yes Body string Visibility of the API
endpointURLs Yes Body string Production endpoint of the API


Returns Successful response with the updated API Object.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 The updated API object as entity in the body
400 Bad Request. Invalid request or validation error
404 Not Found. The resource to be updated does not exist

Delete an API

This operation can be used to delete an existing API. You need to provide the id of the API to delete when sending the request.

DELETE /api/v0.11/apis/747383bf-a531-4764-8a19-89b8646f754e HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: DELETE /apis/<api_id>

Request Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
api_id Yes Resource string UUID of the API


Returns OK. Resource successfully deleted.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 Ok. Resource successfully deleted.
404 Not Found. Resource to be deleted does not exist.

Create new API version

This operation can be used to create a new version of an existing API. New API will be in CREATED state.

POST /api/v0.11/apis/<api_id>/versions?newVersion=<newVersion> HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Location : /currentWeather/2

  "apiDefinition":"{\"swagger\":\"2.0\",\"paths\":{\"/w\":{\"get\":{\"responses\":{\"200\":{\"description\":\"\"}},\"parameters\":[{\"name\":\"id\",\"in\":\"query\",\"required\":false,\"type\":\"string\"},{\"name\":\"APPID\",\"in\":\"query\",\"required\":false,\"type\":\"string\"}],\"x-auth-type\":\"Application & Application User\",\"x-throttling-tier\":\"Unlimited\"}}},\"info\":{\"title\":\"ccurentWeather\",\"version\":\"1\"}}",
      "environmentName":"Production and Sandbox",


Request URL: POST /apis/<api_id>/versions?newVersion=<new_version>

Request Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
api_id Yes Query string UUID of the API
new_version Yes Query string New version of the API


Returns OK. Resource successfully created.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
201 Created
400 Bad Request. Invalid request
404 Not Found. API to copy does not exist

Change API Lifecycle

This operation is used to change the lifecycle of an API.

Example: from CREATED status to Publish status. In order to change the lifecycle, we need to provide the lifecycle action as a query parameter.

POST /api/v0.11/apis/<api_id>/lifecycle HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "lifecycleChecklist":"Deprecate Old Versions"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: POST /apis/<api_id>/lifecycle

Request Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
api_id Yes Ressource string UUID of the API
action Yes Body string The action to demote or promote the state of the API. Supported actions are [ Publish, Deploy as a Prototype, Demote to Created, Demote to Prototyped, Block, Deprecate, Re-Publish, Retire ]
lifecycleChecklist Yes Body string to specify additional action when changing status of an API. Supported actions are : Deprecate Old Versions to deprecate old versions and Require Re-Subscription to force users to re subscribe to the API.


Returns OK. Lifecycle changed successfully.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 Ok. Lifecycle changed successfully.
400 Bad request. Invalid request or validation error.
404 Not Found. Requested API does not exist.

ODBC API Connector

Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) API is a standard API to access database management systems. The purpose is to provide a unified API to access several database management systems. The ODBC API Connector can be therefore used by software applications to retrieve data from different database servers as MYSQL database, Oracle, DB2 and PostgreSQL.

The first API is getDbSchema This exposed service offers a REST endpoint to lists the non-temporary tables in a given database. If the user configured during the generation of the ODBC connector doesn’t have privileges for a base table or view, it does not show up in the output.

The second API is getRequestdb This function offers a REST endpoint that receives an SQL query to be executed in a given database. If the user configured during the generation of the ODBC Connector doesn’t have privileges for a table, view, or on a specific operation, the SQL request is not executed, and an error message is sent in the output to inform the user.

Request 1

Request URL:
http GET /api/v0.11/apis/odbc/v1/getDbSchema HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


Returns Json file corresponding to the lists of the non-temporary tables in database.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
404 Not Found. Requested API does not exist.

Request 2

Request URL:
http GET /api/v0.11/apis/odbc/v1/getRequestdb HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Request Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
sqlRequest Yes Body String SQL Request to execute


Returns Json file corresponding to the database response.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
400 Bad request. Invalid request or validation error.
404 Not Found. Requested API does not exist.

Excel File API Connector

The following Excel File Connector is a REST API that helps to import data through Excel files. The Excel File Connector parses spreadsheets in various Excel Workbook formats (eg XLS, XLSX) as well as other related formats (eg CSV) and serialize them in JSON format

The first API is readExcelFile. This service receives an Excel File (in xlsx, xls, or csv format), and serialize the content to JSON format which is sent back to the user. It offers also a serialization of the Excel file content for a specific tab in the Excel spreadsheet.

The second API is jsonToExcel. This service receives a Json file, and serialize the content to an Excel spreadsheet in xlsx format.

Request 1

Request URL:
http POST /api/v0.11/apis/excel/v1/readExcelFile HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: multipart/form-data; charset=utf-8

Request Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
file Yes formData File Excel file to read
tabs Yes Body int tab sheet to read


Returns Json file corresponding to the received Excel file.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
400 Bad request. Invalid request or validation error.
404 Not Found. Requested API does not exist.

Request 2

Request URL:
http POST /api/v0.11/apis/excel/v1/jsonToExcel HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: multipart/form-data; charset=utf-8

Request Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
file Yes formData File Json file to convert


Returns Excel spreadsheet in xlsx format.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 Ok.
400 Bad request. Invalid request or validation error.
404 Not Found. Requested API does not exist.

OData API Connector

The proposed OData API Connector helps to create and consume REST endpoints using OData Specification. When generating OData API Connector, an endpoint of the OData resource is required, with the entity name in order to consume the OData resources.

The first API is getODataEntity . This service offers a GET method to retrieve the collection of the configured entity.

The second API is getPreciseODataEntity. This service offers a GET method that filter a collection of resources that are addressed by a request.

Request 1

Request URL:
http GET /api/v0.11/apis/odata/v1/getODataEntity HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


Returns Json file corresponding to the collection of the configured entity.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
404 Not Found. Requested API does not exist.

Request 2

Request URL:
http GET /api/v0.11/apis/odata/v1/getPreciseODataEntity HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Request Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
id Yes Body String Field 'name' in OData for a more precise request


Returns Json file corresponding to the specific OData Object.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
400 Bad request. Invalid request or validation error.
404 Not Found. Requested API does not exist.

STEP File API Connector

Standard for the Exchange of Product Data (STEP) - STEP-NC AP238 Standard- is a file format used in CAD to work with 3D models. The STEP file format is widely used in the design of technical parts and is supported by the most popular CAD Software tools.

The STEP File Connector offers some functionalities to parse data from STEP files describing 3D models, allowing the use of this format in vApps for collaborative engineering.

The first API is parseStepFile . This service helps to extract information from the STEP file about the different features (parts of the 3D model) therein.

The second API is checkStepFile. This service helps to check if a given step file in a valid format and respect the specification for STEP-NC AP238 Standard

Request 1

Request URL:
http POST /api/v0.11/apis/step/v1/parseStepFile HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: multipart/form-data; charset=utf-8

Request Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
file Yes formData File Step file to parse


Returns Json file corresponding to the different features (parts of the 3D model) in the received STEP File.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
404 Not Found. Requested API does not exist.

Request 2

Request URL:
http GET /api/v0.11/apis/step/v1/checkStepFile HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: multipart/form-data; charset=utf-8

Request Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
file Yes formData File Step file to verify


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
400 Bad request. Invalid request or validation error.
404 Not Found. Requested API does not exist.

External Service Provision

The External Service Provision (ESP) component provides a repository for wrapper and support libraries. The repository provides functionality to list all libraries inside the repository, to add libraries to it, and to delete obsolete libraries from the repository. From the perspective of the ESP repository itself, libraries are merely binary files with some metadata (name, type, version, author).

List libraries inside repository

Via this route a list of libraries can be retrieved from the ESP repository.

GET /esp/libraries HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "name":"OpenWeatherMap Integration Library",
    "author":"Ray Rutherford"
    "name":"OpenERP Integration Library",
    "author":"OpenERP Community"


Request URL: GET /esp/libraries


The list of libraries is returned in JSON format, with per library: id, name, type, version, and author.

Common Return Codes

Code Description
200 OK
403 Forbidden
500 Internal Server Error

Get library from repository

Via this route, a library can be downloaded from the repository. The process takes place in two steps. In step 1, the metadata about the library is retrieved, including a Location URL. In step 2, the binary file may be received by using the Location URL.

GET /esp/libraries/464576a076185ffb5c5eb9bc936f034a8b560773fecd23abe5ac54ba598b2b52 HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "name":"OpenWeatherMap Integration Library",
  "author":"Ray Rutherford",


Request URL: GET /esp/libraries/<library_id>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
library_id Yes Resource String Identifier for a library to be requested


The response provides the metadata about the library, including a Location URL for downloading the library binary file.

Common Return Codes

Code Description
200 OK
403 Forbidden
404 Not found
500 Internal Server Error

Add library to repository

Via this route a library can be added to the ESP repository. Adding an item to the ESP repository use two steps. The first step uploads the metadata and returns a Location URL to carry out the second step. The second step uses the Location URL to transfer the library binary file via a POST request.

POST /esp/libraries HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "name":"OpenWeatherMap Integration Library",
  "author":"Ray Rutherford",
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

POST /esp/blobs/7e3f4d4e7f6c606d2d3109b296a2894301f76d9d002d4394 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: octet-stream
HTTP/1.1 201 Created

First Request

First Request URL: POST /esp/libraries

Transfer Parameter
Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
Library Object yes Body entity JSON object The library object consists of the following attributes
  • name: Description of the library
  • type: Type of (binary or text) file
  • version: Version number for the library
  • author: Identifier for the author(s) of the library
  • filename: name of the binary file to be uploaded later
  • digest: SHA256 hash for the binary file to be uploaded later

First Response

The client will receive a 201 Created response returning a JSON structure with a new id for the created entity and a location to POST the binary.

Common Return Codes (First Step)

These are the codes returned in the first step:

Code Description
201 Created
400 Malformed Request
403 Forbidden
500 Internal Server Error

Second Request

Second Request URL: POST <location>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
location Yes Endpoint String Identifier for the endpoint where the library can be posted

Second Response

The client can now POST the binary file. The file will get the name provided earlier. If the digest provided earlier matches with the SHA256 hash for the binary, this request will complete with a HTTP/1.1 201 Created and the process can be considered complete.

Common Return Codes (Second Step)

These are the codes returned in the second step:

Code Description
201 Created
403 Forbidden
409 Conflict (with digest provided earlier)
500 Internal Server Error

Delete library from repository

Via this route a library can be deleted from the repository.

DELETE /esp/libraries/464576a076185ffb5c5eb9bc936f034a8b560773fecd23abe5ac54ba598b2b52 HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: DELETE /esp/libraries/<library_id>

Transfer Parameter
Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
library_id Yes Resource String Identifier for a specific library


If successful, the response will be 200 OK. Otherwise, an error is returned.

Common Return Codes

Code Description
200 OK
403 Forbidden
404 Not found
500 Internal Server Error


Security - Basics

The vf-OS security provides capabilities for controlling and authorizing the access to assets and other components of the system.

Security - Identity Management

This section covers the main functionalities of the identity service:

Authentication and token management

This API describes the main operations with regard to authentication and token management In exchange for a set of authentication credentials, the Identity service generates tokens. A token represents the authenticated identity of a user and, optionally, grants authorization on a specific project or domain.

The body of an authentication request must include a payload that specifies the authentication method, which is password or token, the credentials, and, optionally, the authorization scope.

Tokens have IDs, which the Identity API returns in the X-Subject-Token response header.

Also, validates an authentication token and lists the domains, projects, roles, and endpoints to which the token gives access. Forces the immediate revocation of a token.

After you obtain an authentication token, you can:

Common status codes returned

Code Description
400 Bad Request. The Identity service failed to parse the request as expected. One of the following errors occurred: a required attribute was missing, an attribute that is not allowed was specified, such as an ID on a POST request in a basic CRUD operation, or an attribute of an unexpected data type was specified.
401 Unauthorized. One of the following errors occurred: authentication was not performed, the specified X-Auth-Token header is not valid, or the authentication credentials are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The identity was successfully authenticated but it is not authorized to perform the requested action.
404 Not Found. An operation failed because a referenced entity cannot be found by ID. For a POST request, the referenced entity might be specified in the request body rather than in the resource path.
409 Conflict. A POST or PATCH operation failed. For example, a client tried to update a unique attribute for an entity, which conflicts with that of another entity in the same collection. Or, a client issued a create operation twice on a collection with a user-defined, unique attribute. For example, a client made a POST /users request two times for the unique, user-defined name attribute for a user entity.

Check Token

Checks the validity of a token

HEAD /v1/auth/tokens HTTP/1.1
X-Auth-Token: AUTH_tk209f7f2ea1265a0d3f29d28a2dc8ced6
X-Subject-Token: gAAAAABZJ8_a7aiq1SnOhbNw8vFb5WZChcvWdzzUAFzhiB99B
allow-expired: True
HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Request URL: HEAD /auth/tokens

Transfer Parameters
Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
X-Auth-Token Yes Header String A valid authentication token for an administrative user.
X-Subject-Token Yes Header String The authentication token. An authentication response returns the token ID in this header rather than in the response body.
allow_expired (Optional) Yes query bool Allow fetching a token that has expired. By default expired tokens return a 404 exception.

Validate and show information for token

Validates and shows information for a token, including its expiration date and authorization scope.

GET /v1/auth/tokens HTTP/1.1
X-Auth-Token: AUTH_tk209f7f2ea1265a0d3f29d28a2dc8ced6
X-Subject-Token: gAAAAABZJ8_a7aiq1SnOhbNw8vFb5WZChcvWdzzUAFzhiB99B
allow-expired: True
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


Request URL: GET /auth/tokens

Transfer Parameters
Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
X-Auth-Token Yes Header String A valid authentication token for an administrative user.
X-Subject-Token Yes Header String The authentication token. An authentication response returns the token ID in this header rather than in the response body.
allow_expired (Optional) Yes query bool Allow fetching a token that has expired. By default expired tokens return a 404 exception.

Revoke token

Revokes a token.

GET /v1/auth/tokens HTTP/1.1
X-Auth-Token: AUTH_tk209f7f2ea1265a0d3f29d28a2dc8ced6
X-Subject-Token: gAAAAABZJ8_a7aiq1SnOhbNw8vFb5WZChcvWdzzUAFzhiB99B
HTTP/1.1 204 OK

Request URL: DELETE /auth/tokens

Transfer Parameters
Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
X-Auth-Token Yes Header String A valid authentication token for an administrative user.
X-Subject-Token Yes Header String The authentication token. An authentication response returns the token ID in this header rather than in the response body.

Password authentication

Authenticates an identity and generates a token. Uses the password authentication method and scopes authorization to a project or domain.

POST /v1/auth/tokens HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


Request URL: POST /auth/tokens

Transfer Parameters
Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
auth Yes Body Object An auth object.
user Yes Body Object A user object.
password Yes Body Object The password object, contains the authentication information.
identity Yes Body Object An identity object.
method Yes Body Array The authentication method. For password authentication, specify password.

Token authentication

Authenticates an identity and generates a token. Uses the token authentication method and scopes authorization to a project or domain.

POST /v1/auth/tokens HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


Request URL: POST /auth/tokens

Transfer Parameters
Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
methods Yes Body Array The authentication method. For token authentication, specify token.
auth Yes Body Object An auth object.
token Yes Body Object A token object. The token authentication method is used. This method is typically used in combination with a request to change authorization scope.
audit_ids Yes Body Array A list of one or two audit IDs.
id Yes Body string A token ID.
identity Yes Body Object An identity object.


A user is an individual API consumer that is owned by a domain. A role explicitly associates a user with projects or domains. A user with no assigned roles has no access to vf-OS resources. You can list, create, show details for, update, delete, and change the password for users. You can also list groups, projects, and role assignments for a specified user. To list user roles, see Roles.

List Users

Authenticates an identity and generates a token. Uses the token authentication method and scopes authorization to a project or domain.

GET /users HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 201 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


Request URL: GET /users

Common status codes returned
Code Description
200 OK
400 Bad request
401 Not authorized
403 Forbidden

Create User

A user is an individual API consumer that is owned by a domain. A role explicitly associates a user with projects or domains. A user with no assigned roles has no access to vf-OS resources.

POST /users HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "name":"James Doe",

Request URL: POST /users

Transfer Parameters
Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
user Yes Body Object A user object
name Yes Body String The user name. Must be unique within the owning domain.
password Yes Body String The password for the user.
Common status codes returned
Code Description
201 Created.
400 Bad request.
401 Not authorized.
403 Forbidden.
409 Conflict.

Show user details

Shows details for a user.

GET /users/vfos_user1 HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


Request URL: GET /users/<user_id>

Transfer Parameters
Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
user Yes Body Object A user object
name Yes Body String The user name. Must be unique within the owning domain.
Common status codes returned
Code Description
200 OK.
400 Bad request.
401 Not authorized.
403 Forbidden.
404 Not found.

Update User

Updates a user’s password, or whether they are enabled or disabled.

PATCH /users/vfos_user1 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


Request URL: PATCH /users/<user_id>

Transfer Parameters
Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
user_id Yes Path String The user ID
user Yes Body Object A user object
password Yes Body String The password for the user.
Common status codes returned
Code Description
200 OK.
400 Bad request.
401 Not authorized.
403 Forbidden.
404 Not found.
409 Conflict.

Delete User

Deletes a user.

DELETE /users/vfos_user1 HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 204 OK

Request URL: DELETE /users/<user_id>

Transfer Parameters
Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
user_id Yes Path String The user ID
Common status codes returned
Code Description
204 No content.
400 Bad request.
401 Not authorized.
403 Forbidden.
404 Not found.

List groups to which a user belongs

Lists groups to which a user belongs.

PATCH /users/vfos_user1/groups HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

      "description":"Developers cleared for work on all general projects",
      "description":"Developers cleared for work on secret projects",
      "name":"Secure Developers"

Request URL: GET /users/<user_id>/groups

Transfer Parameters
Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
user_id Yes Path String The user ID
Common status codes returned
Code Description
200 OK.
400 Bad request.
401 Not authorized.
403 Forbidden.
404 Not found.

Change password

Changes the password for a user.

POST /users/vfos_user1/password HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

HTTP/1.1 204 OK

Request URL: POST /users/<user_id>/password

Transfer Parameters
Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
user_id Yes Path String The user ID
user Yes Body Object A user object
original_password Yes Body String The password for the user.
password Yes Body String The password for the user.
Common status codes returned
Code Description
200 OK.
400 Bad request.
401 Not authorized.
403 Forbidden.
404 Not found.


A group is a collection of users. Each group is owned by a domain. You can use groups to ease the task of managing role assignments for users. Assigning a role to a group on a project or domain is equivalent to assigning the role to each group member on that project or domain. When you unassign a role from a group, that role is automatically unassigned from any user that is a member of the group. Any tokens that authenticates those users to the relevant project or domain are revoked.

As with users, a group without any role assignments is useless from the perspective of an vf-OS service and has no access to resources. However, a group without role assignments is permitted as a way of acquiring or loading users and groups from external sources before mapping them to projects and domains.

List groups

Lists groups to which a user belongs.

GET /groups HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

      "description":"non-admin group",
      "description":"vf-os admin group",

Request URL: GET /groups

Transfer Parameters
Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
name No Query String The user ID
domain_id No Query String The user ID
Common status codes returned
Code Description
200 OK.
400 Bad request.
401 Not authorized.
403 Forbidden.

Create Group

A user is an individual API consumer that is owned by a domain. A role explicitly associates a user with projects or domains. A user with no assigned roles has no access to vf-OS resources.

POST /groups HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "description":"Contract developers",
    "name":"Contract developers"
HTTP/1.1 201 Created

Request URL: POST /groups

Transfer Parameters
Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
group Yes Body Object A group object
name Yes Body String The name of the group
Common status codes returned
Code Description
201 Created.
400 Bad request.
401 Not authorized.
403 Forbidden.
409 Conflict.

Update Group

Updates a group.


Request URL: PATCH /groups/<group_id>

PATCH /groups/grp1102 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "description":"Contract developers 2016",
    "name":"Contract developers 2016"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "description":"Contract developers 2016",
    "name":"Contract developers 2016"
Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
group_id Yes Path String A group ID
group Yes Body Object A group object
Name Required Type Description
group body object A group object, containing:
description body string The description of the group.
domain_id body string The ID of the domain of the group.
id body string The ID of the group.
Common status codes returned
Code Description
200 OK.
400 Bad request.
401 Not authorized.
403 Forbidden.
404 Not found.
409 Conflict.

Delete Group

Deletes a group.

DELETE /groups/grp1102 HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 204 OK

Request URL: DELETE /groups/<group_id>

Transfer Parameters
Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
group_id Yes Path String A group ID
Common status codes returned
Code Description
204 No content.
400 Bad request.
401 Not authorized.
403 Forbidden.
404 Not found.

List users in group

Deletes a group.

GET /groups/grp1102/users HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


Request URL: GET /groups/<group_id>/users

Transfer Parameters
Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
group_id Yes Path String A group ID
Common status codes returned
Code Description
200 OK.
400 Bad request.
401 Not authorized.
403 Forbidden.
404 Not found.

Add users to group

Adds a user to a group. http PUT /groups/grp1102/users/vfos_user1 HTTP/1.1

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Request URL: PUT /groups/<group_id>/users/<user_id>

Transfer Parameters
Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
user_id Yes Path String A user ID
group_id Yes Path String A group ID
Common status codes returned
Code Description
200 OK.
400 Bad request.
401 Not authorized.
403 Forbidden.
404 Not found.

Remove a user from group

Removes a user from a group.

DELETE /groups/grp1102/users/vfos_user1 HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Request URL: DELETE /groups/<group_id>/users/<user_id>

Transfer Parameters
Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
user_id Yes Path String A user ID
group_id Yes Path String A group ID
Common status codes returned
Code Description
200 OK.
400 Bad request.
401 Not authorized.
403 Forbidden.
404 Not found.

Check whether user belongs to group

Validates that a user belongs to a group.

HEAD /groups/grp1102/users/vfos_user1 HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 204 OK

Request URL: HEAD /groups/<group_id>/users/<user_id>

Transfer Parameters
Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
user_id Yes Path String A user ID
group_id Yes Path String A group ID
Common status codes returned
Code Description
204 No content.
400 Bad request.
401 Not authorized.
403 Forbidden.
404 Not found.


vf-OS services typically determine whether a user’s API request should be allowed using Role Based Access Control (RBAC). For vf-OS this means the service compares the roles that user has on the project (as indicated by the roles in the token), against the roles required for the API in question (as defined in the service’s policy file). A user obtains roles on a project by having these assigned to them via the Identity service API.

Roles must initially be created as entities via the Identity services API and, once created, can then be assigned. You can assign roles to a user or group on a project, including projects owned by other domains. You can also assign roles to a user or group on a domain, although this is only currently relevant for using a domain scoped token to execute domain-level Identity service API requests.

The creation, checking and deletion of role assignments is done with each of the attributes being specified in the URL

List roles

Lists roles.

GET /roles HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


Request URL: GET /roles

Transfer Parameters
Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
name No query String Filters the response by a role name.
domain_id No query String Filters the response by a domain ID.
Name Required Type Description
roles body array A list of role objects, each containing:
domain_id body string The ID of the domain.
id body string The role ID.
links body object The link to the resources in question.
name body string The role name.
Common status codes returned
Code Description
200 OK.
400 Bad request.
401 Not authorized.
403 Forbidden.

Create role

Creates a role.

POST /roles HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


Request URL: POST /roles

Transfer Parameters
Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
role Yes body object A role object, containing:
name Yes body String The role name.
domain_id Yes body String The ID of the domain of the role.
Name Required Type Description
role body object A role object, containing:
domain_id body string The ID of the domain.
id body string The role ID.
links body object The link to the resources in question.
name body string The role name.
Common status codes returned
Code Description
201 Created.
400 Bad request.
401 Not authorized.
403 Forbidden.
409 Conflict.

Update role

Updates a role.

PATCH /roles/rol_admin HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


Request URL: PATCH /roles/<role_id>

Transfer Parameters
Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
role_id Yes path string The role ID.
role Yes body object A role object, containing:
name No body String The role name.
Name Required Type Description
role body object A role object, containing:
domain_id body string The ID of the domain.
id body string The role ID.
links body object The link to the resources in question.
name body string The role name.
Common status codes returned
Code Description
200 OK.
400 Bad request.
401 Not authorized.
403 Forbidden.
409 Conflict.

Delete role

Deletes a role.

DELETE /roles/rol_admin HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Request URL: DELETE /roles/<role_id>

Transfer Parameters
Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
role_id Yes path string The role ID.
Common status codes returned
Code Description
204 No content.
400 Bad request.
401 Not authorized.
403 Forbidden.
404 Not found.

Assign role to a group

Assigns a role to a group

PUT /domains/vfos/groups/developers/roles/devel HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Request URL: PUT /domains/<domain_id>/groups/<group_id>/roles/<role_id>

Transfer Parameters
Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
domain_id Yes path string The ID of the domain.
group_id Yes path string The ID of the group.
role_id Yes path string The role ID.
Common status codes returned
Code Description
204 No content.
400 Bad request.
401 Not authorized.
403 Forbidden.
404 Not found.
409 Conflict.

Unassign role to a group

Unassigns a role to a group

DELETE /domains/vfos/groups/developers/roles/devel HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 204 OK

Request URL: DELETE /domains/<domain_id>/groups/<group_id>/roles/<role_id>

Transfer Parameters
Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
domain_id Yes path string The ID of the domain.
group_id Yes path string The ID of the group.
role_id Yes path string The role ID.
Common status codes returned
Code Description
204 No content.
400 Bad request.
401 Not authorized.
403 Forbidden.
404 Not found.


A policy is an arbitrarily serialized policy engine rule set to be consumed by a remote service.

Create policy

Creates a policy.

POST /policies HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "blob":"{'foobar_user': 'role:compute-user'}",
HTTP/1.1 201 OK

Request URL: POST /policies

Transfer Parameters
Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
policy Yes body object A policy object.
type Yes body string The MIME media type of the serialized policy blob.
blob Yes body string The policy rule set itself, as a serialized blob.
Common status codes returned
Code Description
201 Created.
400 Bad request.
401 Not authorized.
403 Forbidden.
404 Not found.

Update policy

Updates a policy

PATCH /policies/pol112 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Request URL: PATCH /policies/<policy_id>

Transfer Parameters
Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
policy_id Yes path string A policy ID.
policy Yes body object A policy object.
type Yes body string The MIME media type of the serialized policy blob.
blob Yes body object The policy rule set itself, as a serialized blob.
Common status codes returned
Code Description
201 Created. Resource was created and is ready to use.
400 Bad request.
401 Not authorized.
403 Forbidden.
404 Not found.

Show policy details

Shows details for a policy.

GET /policies/pol112 HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


Request URL: GET /policies/<policy_id>

Transfer Parameters
Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
policy_id Yes path string A policy ID.
Name Required Type Description
links body object The links for the policy resource.
blob body string The policy rule itself, as a serialized blob.
policy body string A policy object.
type string object The MIME media type of the serialized policy blob.
id string string The policy ID.
Common status codes returned
Code Description
200 OK. Request was successful.
400 Bad request.
401 Not authorized.
403 Forbidden.
404 Not found.

List policies

Shows details for a policy.

GET /policies/pol112 HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


Request URL: GET /policies/<policy_id>

Name Required Type Description
links body object The links for the policy resource.
blob body string The policy rule itself, as a serialized blob.
policy body string A policy object.
type string object The MIME media type of the serialized policy blob.
id string string The policy ID.
Common status codes returned
Code Description
200 OK.
400 Bad request.
401 Not authorized.
403 Forbidden.
404 Not found.

Security - Policy Decision Point

This section covers the main functionalities of the identity service

Policy Administration API

The Policy Administration API (PAP) is used by policy administrators to manage the policy repository from which the PDP loads the enforced policies. The PAP supports multi-tenancy in the form of generic administration domains that are separate from each other.

Each policy administrator (except the Superadmin) is in fact a domain administrator, insofar as he is allowed to manage the policy for one or more specific domains. Domains are typically used to support isolation of tenants (one domain per tenant).

Add policy

Add policy

POST /domains/factory1/pap/policies HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/xml

<Policy PolicyId="SamplePolicy" RuleCombiningAlgId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:rule-combining-algorithm:permit-overrides">
  <!-- This Policy only applies to requests on the SampleServer -->
      <AnySubject />
      <ResourceMatch MatchId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:string-equal">
        <AttributeValue DataType="">SampleServer</AttributeValue>
        <ResourceAttributeDesignator DataType="" AttributeId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:resource:resource-id" />
      <AnyAction />
  <!-- Rule to see if we should allow the Subject to login -->
  <Rule RuleId="LoginRule" Effect="Permit">
    <!-- Only use this Rule if the action is login -->
        <AnySubject />
        <AnyResource />
        <ActionMatch MatchId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:string-equal">
          <AttributeValue DataType="">login</AttributeValue>
          <ActionAttributeDesignator DataType="" AttributeId="ServerAction" />
    <!-- Only allow logins from 9am to 5pm -->
    <Condition FunctionId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:and">
      <Apply FunctionId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:time-greater-than-or-equal">
        <Apply FunctionId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:time-one-and-only">
          <EnvironmentAttributeSelector DataType="" AttributeId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:environment:current-time" />
        <AttributeValue DataType="">09:00:00</AttributeValue>
      <Apply FunctionId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:time-less-than-or-equal">
        <Apply FunctionId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:time-one-and-only">
          <EnvironmentAttributeSelector DataType="" AttributeId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:environment:current-time" />
        <AttributeValue DataType="">17:00:00</AttributeValue>
  <!-- We could include other Rules for different actions here -->
  <!-- A final, "fall-through" Rule that always Denies -->
  <Rule RuleId="FinalRule" Effect="Deny" />
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/xml

<PolicySet xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:3.0:core:schema:wd-17" PolicySetId="P1" Version="1.0" ... />

Request URL: POST /domains/<domainId>/pap/policies

Transfer Parameters
Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
Poicy Yes Body String XACML PolicySet as defined in the XACML 3.0 schema.

Getting Policies and Policy Versions

Generates policies and policy versions

GET /domains/factory1/pap/policies HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/xml
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/xml

<Policy PolicyId="SamplePolicy" RuleCombiningAlgId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:rule-combining-algorithm:permit-overrides">
  <!-- This Policy only applies to requests on the SampleServer -->
      <AnySubject />
      <ResourceMatch MatchId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:string-equal">
        <AttributeValue DataType="">SampleServer</AttributeValue>
        <ResourceAttributeDesignator DataType="" AttributeId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:resource:resource-id" />
      <AnyAction />
  <!-- Rule to see if we should allow the Subject to login -->
  <Rule RuleId="LoginRule" Effect="Permit">
    <!-- Only use this Rule if the action is login -->
        <AnySubject />
        <AnyResource />
        <ActionMatch MatchId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:string-equal">
          <AttributeValue DataType="">login</AttributeValue>
          <ActionAttributeDesignator DataType="" AttributeId="ServerAction" />
    <!-- Only allow logins from 9am to 5pm -->
    <Condition FunctionId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:and">
      <Apply FunctionId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:time-greater-than-or-equal">
        <Apply FunctionId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:time-one-and-only">
          <EnvironmentAttributeSelector DataType="" AttributeId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:environment:current-time" />
        <AttributeValue DataType="">09:00:00</AttributeValue>
      <Apply FunctionId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:time-less-than-or-equal">
        <Apply FunctionId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:time-one-and-only">
          <EnvironmentAttributeSelector DataType="" AttributeId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:environment:current-time" />
        <AttributeValue DataType="">17:00:00</AttributeValue>
  <!-- We could include other Rules for different actions here -->
  <!-- A final, "fall-through" Rule that always Denies -->
  <Rule RuleId="FinalRule" Effect="Deny" />

Request URL: GET /domains/<domainId>/pap/policies/<policyId>

Transfer Parameters
Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
Domain_id Yes Path String Domain ID.
Policy_id Yes Path String Poilcy ID.

Removing Policies and Policy Versions

Removes policies and policy versions

DELETE /domains/factory11/pap/policies/pol11/<version> HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Request URL: DELETE /domains/<domainId>/pap/policies/<policyId>/<version>

Transfer Parameters
Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
Domain_id Yes Path String Domain ID.
Policy_id Yes Path String Poilcy ID.

Policy decision API

The PDP API returns an authorization decision based on the currently enforced policy, access control attributes provided in the request and possibly other attributes resolved by the PDP itself. The Authorization decision is typically Permit or Deny. The PDP is able to resolve extra attributes not provided directly in the request, such as the current date/time (environment attribute).

POST /domains/factory11/pdp HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/xml

<Request xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:3.0:core:schema:wd-17" ... />
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/xml

<Response xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:3.0:core:schema:wd-17" ... />

Request URL: POST /domains/<domainId>/pdp

Transfer Parameters
Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
Domain_id Yes Path String Domain ID.

System Dashboard

The System Dashboard component presents an overview of dashboards to the end user for all components and vApps. For this, a technical approach will be applied which is exactly the same as the approach taken for the Platform Portal Services: the components and vApps may provide a simple HTTP server for their dashboard (for more documentation, see Platform Portal Services). Each component is required to serve its dashboard in two ways: as an icon (for the overview page) and as an application running inside a smaller window (ie not fullscreen).

By definition, the System Dashboard also presents the dashboard for the Platform Execution Services. However, for this component, an exception has been made: the System Dashboard will use the public REST API provided by the Platform Execution Services and it will itself perform the HTML rendering for this dashboard.

Marketplace Services


The vf-OS Marketplace offers fundamental services of a modern e-Commerce platform for consumer and developers. First, vf-Store enables software developers to offer assets (demanded or initiative), and second, users are able to search for, obtain and rate existing vApps. Furthermore, the vf-Store acts as a mediator between developers and users. Therefore, the vf-Store is the central point for developers to get in contact with users. In addition to view/set ratings, reviews, and technical information about the asset's behaviour, the vf-Store supports users to get in contact with developers to offer ideas for new assets.

Send payment notifications

Via this route payment providers can send updates for payments related to orders.

HTTP/1.1 201 Created


The request contains multiple fields – required and non-required ones.

Request URL: POST /v1/paymentnotifications

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
accessid Yes Body string Access ID
aid Yes Body int Sub Account ID
balance Yes Body float Balance of the customer at the payment provider
clearingtype Yes Body string Used payment method
customerid Yes Body int Customer ID in the user's system
failedcause No Body string Reason why the payment failed
key Yes Body string Key to authenticate notification
mode Yes Body string live or test
portalid Yes Body int Portal ID
param No Body string Additional information
receivable Yes Body float Total payment request (in largest currency unit eg Euro)
reference Yes Body string Order ID at the user's system
reminderlevel No Body string Customer's reminder status
time Yes Body int Timestamp of notification
txaction Yes Body string Reason for notification
txid Yes Body int Notification ID
userid Yes Body int ID of the customer at the payment provider


The response does not contain any content in the success case. The API answers with a HTTP status code of 201 Created.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
201 Notification accepted
400 Malformed request
403 Forbidden
500 Server error

Receive information about an order

Get information about a specific order identified by its order number.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

      "company":"Ascora GmbH",


The request is facing the customer's orders-subroute with specified order-id.

Request URL: GET /v1/customers/<user_id>/orders/<order_id>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
user_id Yes Resource string User ID
order_id No Resource string Set to get information for a specific order.


The response contains the order object with various attributes and objects.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 OK
400 Malformed request
404 User or order not found
500 Server error

Create a new order

Via this route a new order can be created

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Location: /v1/customers/1337ASDF/orders/1337ASDF

        "company":"Ascora GmbH",
        "title":"Payment Confirmation Required",


The request contains multiple fields – required and non-required ones. Providing only required fields, a rudimentary order is being created.

Request URL: POST /v1/customers/<customer_id>/orders

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
user_id Yes Resource string User ID
delivery_address_firstname No Body string Delivery address first name
delivery_address_lastname No Body string Delivery address last name
delivery_address_company No Body string Delivery address company
delivery_address_zip No Body string Delivery address zip
delivery_address_city No Body string Delivery address city
delivery_address_country_code No Body string Delivery address country code.
currency Yes Body string Currency of the order
pay_type Yes Body string pay type to be used
cart_n_product_id Yes Body int Product ID of item N
cart_n_product_qty Yes Body int Product ID of item N
order_tags No Body string Example: tag1;tag2
order_properties No Body string Example: key1;value1;;key2;value2


The response contains the order-object in a success case. The API answers with a HTTP status code of 201 Created. Additionally, the Location-header contains a relative URI to the order-object.

The result may contain an array actions with more steps for the customer to complete the order. Instruct the customer to complete the order by eg redirect it to a given URI.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
201 Created
400 Malformed request
404 User not found
500 Server error

Request information about all assets

Get a list of all available vf-OS Assets with all its available information.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Request URL: GET /v1/products?per_page=<per_page>&page=<page>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
page No Query int Page to show
per_page No Query int Assets to show per page
category_type No Query String Filter for category type


The response contains an array of asset-objects. Via the per_page and page parameters the result can be browsed.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 OK
500 Server error

Request information about one specific asset

Get all available information about one specific vf-OS Asset.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



The request is sent to the assets-route with the ID of the asset attached.

Request URL: GET /v1/products/<product_id>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
product_id Yes Resource int Product ID


The response contains the asset representation if the asset was found.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 OK
404 Asset not found
500 Server error

Request binary file from a specific asset

Get the binary file of a specific vf-OS Asset.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/octet-stream


The request is sent to the route specifying a distinct asset. Via a subroute the binary can be requested.

Request URL: GET /v1/products/<product_id>/binary

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
product_id Yes Resource int Product ID


The response contains the binary file.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 OK
404 Binary or asset not found
500 Server error

Create a new vf-OS Asset

Create a new vf-OS Asset in the Marketplace. The created vf-OS Asset entry will be returned.



Request URL: POST /v1/products

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Type Description
product_names_en-us Yes Body string Product name in English
price_info_eur Yes Body float Price in EUR
physical_product Yes Body string true or false
category_id Yes Body int Category ID


The response does contain the asset-object in a success case. The API answers with a HTTP status code of 201 Created. Additionally, the Location-header contains a relative URI to the asset-object.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
201 Created
400 Malformed request
500 Server error

Update information of a specific vf-OS Asset

Update a specific vf-OS Asset based on its product_id.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Location: /v1/products/<product_id>





Request URL: PATCH /v1/products/<product_id>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
product_id Yes Resource int Product ID
product_names_en-us No Body string Product name in English
price_info_eur No Body float Price in EUR
physical_product No Body string true or false
category_id No Body int Category ID


The response does contain the updated asset-object in a success case.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
201 Created
400 Malformed request
500 Server error

Send usage data

Create new usage data for a specific customer.

HTTP/1.1 201 Created


Request URL: POST /v1/customers/<user_id>/usagedata

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
user_id Yes Resource string User ID
category Yes Body string Category
action Yes Body string Action
label No Body string Label
value No Body float Value


The response does not contain any content in the success case. The API answers with a HTTP status code of 201 Created.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
201 Created
400 Malformed request
404 User not found
500 Server error

Get all categories

Get all available categories of vf-OS Assets.

GET     HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

            "name":"Harmonization Map"
            "name":"Harmonization Map"
            "name":"Harmonization Map"
            "name":"Harmonization Map"


The request is facing the categories route.

Request URL: GET /v1/categories

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
page No Query int Page to show
per_page No Query int Assets to show per page


The response contains the currently available categories.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 OK
500 Server error

Request manifest file for one specific asset

Get the manifest file for one specific vf-OS Asset.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

      "description":"This is a fix all app for all vf-OS purposes, customers will be happy!",




The request is sent to the assets-route with the ID of the asset attached.

Request URL: GET /v1/products/<product_id>/manifest

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
product_id Yes Resource int Product ID


The response contains the asset representation if the asset was found.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 OK
404 Asset or manifest not found
500 Server error

Create new customer

Create a new customer. The newly created customer object will be returned.

HTTP/1.1 201 Created


The request contains multiple fields – required and non-required ones.

Request URL: POST /v1/paymentnotifications

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
email Yes Body string Email address
city No Body string City
company No Body string Company
firstname Yes Body string Firstname
language Yes Body string Language (in the form xx-xx)
lastname Yes Body string Lastname
street No Body string Street
zip No Body string Zip


The response contains the customer-object in a success case. The API answers with a HTTP status code of 201 Created. Additionally, the Location-header contains a relative URI to the customer-object.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
201 Customer accepted
400 Malformed request
403 Forbidden
500 Server error

Create new version of a vf-OS Asset

Create a new version of a vf-OS Asset.

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Request URL: POST /v1/products/<product_id>/programversions

Transfer Parameters

Information for using the partial upload

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
product_id Yes Resource int Product ID
major Yes Body string Major version descriptor
version Yes Body float Version descriptor
publish_date No Body date Publish date
binary Yes Body file Binary
binary_hash No Body string Hash (MD5) of binary. Hash of concatenated file if using parts.
binary_part No Body int Number of this part. Must be 1 or larger
binary_part_max No Body Int Number of last part. Must be 1 or larger
languages Yes Body string Language (e.g. de,en)


The response does contain the updated asset-object in a success case.

Common Status Codes Returned

Code Description
200 Binary part accepted, continue with next part
201 Created
400 Malformed request
500 Server error

vf-OS Assets

FIWARE Generic Enablers

FIWARE Generic Enablers component is composed of solutions that offer reusable and common shared functionalities serving multiple usecases in various sectors that have been developed by FIWARE project. These solutions are termed as Generic Enablers (GEs) and provide functionalities in different domains such as IoT, data, context management, interfaces to network/devices, cloud hosting, security etc. The functionalities provided by these enablers can be used for realisation of some of the core features of vApps to implement their business requirements.

All the Generic Enablers are technically and functionally diverse and have their own API specifications. The APIs of all the Generic Enablers are provided as API blueprints that has been defined using APIARY tools. The details of each of the enabler can be accessed through FIWARE Catalogue. In this specification, we will provide two parts:

  1. API common to all GEs - these will be common functionalities that are envision to be developed in the scope of vf-OS project to enhance the existing functionalities of GEs
  2. API specific to selected GE - these are the functionalities provided by GE and as described in their original documentation.

The URL is presented in the following format:

Create a Configuration

Create a configuration for a specific enabler.

POST /commons HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8




The request contains all necessary information to create configurations of one enabler. It also contains multiple fields, but only enablerConfiguration is required.

Request URL: POST /commons

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
enablerConfiguration Yes Body string Identification of the configuration
configurations No Body Object Configurations of the enabler


The response contains the status of creating the connection. If it returns one error, it will also return the error description.

Get configurations from a specific Enabler

Retrieve all configuration parameters and its values.

GET /commons/<enablerConfiguration> HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



The request contains enablerConfiguration, which is a mandatory field.

Request URL: GET /commons/<enablerConfiguration>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
enablerConfiguration Yes Resource string Identification of the configuration


The response contains the status (success or error). If the status is success, it also returns the enabler's configurations.

Get a specific configuration from a specific Enabler

Retrieve a configuration parameter and its value.

GET /commons/<enablerConfiguration>/<configurationParameter> HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



The request contains enablerConfiguration and configurationParameter, which are mandatory fields.

Request URL: GET /commons/<enablerConfiguration>/<configurationParameter>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
enablerConfiguration Yes Resource string Identification of the configuration
configurationParameter Yes Resource string Name of the parameter


The response contains the status (success or error). If the status is success, it also returns the enabler's specific configuration.

Update a specific configuration from a specific Enabler

Update a configuration value.

PUT /commons/<enablerConfiguration>/<configurationParameter> HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8




The request contains enablerConfiguration and configurationParameter, which are mandatory fields.

Request URL: PUT /commons/<enablerConfiguration>/<configurationParameter>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
enablerConfiguration Yes Resource string Identification of the configuration
configurationParameter Yes Resource string Name of the parameter


The response contains the status (success or error). If the status is error, it also returns the error message.

FIWARE Manufacturing Enablers

FIWARE Manufacturing Enablers provide solutions in the domain that are not addressed specifically in vf-OS, such as IoT enablers, supply chain enablers, collaborative enablers, and data analytics enablers.

In this specification, common API endpoints to add or update a configuration of a Manufacturing Enabler (ME) will be provided.

General URL

Requests are formatted with the following common variables.

Name Example Description
hostname Specifies the server host
port 9443 Specifies the server port
base_uri /api Specifies the base URI
version 1.0.0 API version
resource_uri /menablerconfigurations The uri of the resource

The URL is presented in the following format:

The left part of the URL, up to the resource_uri, is common to all the ME API endpoints, so it will not be repeated in every interface in this documentation. The user should assume this should be prefixed to every endpoint:

Create Configuration

This API provides a capability to define the configuration parameters of the FITMAN Specific Enablers for admin users. The parameters include database configurations, security constraints, server configurations, or other business constraints as necessary.

POST /api/v0.11/menablerconfigurations HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json



Request URL : POST /menablerconfigurations

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
idEnablerConfiguration Yes Body string Identification of the configuration
configurations Yes Body [string] JSON object containing the key/value of the configurations


If successful, the response contains the newly created object as entity in the body

Common status codes returned

Code Description
201 Created
403 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.

List configurations

This API provides a capability to list all configurations parameters of the FITMAN Specific Enablers.

GET /api/v0.11/enablerconfigurations/configurationCamME HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 05 Sep 2017 14:25:17 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Request URL : Get /enablerconfigurations/<idEnablerConfiguration>

JSON Request Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
idEnablerConfiguration Yes Ressource string Identification of the configuration


Returns Successful response with the a list of available parameters in the body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 Success

Update configuration

This API provides for admin users a capability to update the configuration parameters of the FITMAN Specific Enablers.

PUT /api/v0.11/enablerconfigurations/configurationCamME HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json



Request URL : PUT /enablerconfigurations/<idEnablerConfiguration>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
idEnablerConfiguration Yes Resource string Identification of the configuration
configurations Yes Body string JSON object containing the key/value of the configurations


Returns Successful response with the updated parameter in the body.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 Success
403 Unauthorized. The credentials provided are not valid.
404 Not Found. The resource to be updated does not exist.

3DScan Manufacturing Enabler

This ME offers comprehensive modules for 3D Visualisation of high density/high resolution files consisting of millions of points in the format of Point clouds(.txt) and Mesh(.stl). Additionally, it provides the management interface for 3D file storage with relational database. There are two open source components provided by the Specific Enabler: Storage and visualisation. The Specific Enabler aims at offering assistance for performing quality controls and an intuitive visualisation decision support system to determine if the analysed manufactured part must be accepted or rejected.

Request 1

/3dscan/v1/sqlrest/webgl : This service helps to view the database structure to check the newly added file.

Request URL:
http GET /3dscan/v1/sqlrest/webgl HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


Returns XML file corresponding to the database content.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
404 Not Found. Requested API does not exist.

Request 2

/3dscan/v1/sqlrest/webgl/{imageObjectId} : This service helps to view the specific object already uploaded to the 3DScan database.

Request URL:
http GET /3dscan/v1/sqlrest/webgl/{imageObjectId} HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Request Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
imageObjectId Yes URL int Object to fetch


Returns XML file corresponding to the object imageObjectId.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
400 Bad request. Invalid request or validation error.
404 Not Found. Requested API does not exist.

Request 3

/3dscan/v1/FitmanGL/rest/get/id_canvas/{imageObjectId} : The return data is a JavaScript code which could be integrated in any web page to display the 3D file. E.g. the usage of displaying the 3D file as aforementioned interfaces, could be in javascript code:

src="http://localhost:8080/FitmanGL/rest/get/id_canvas/your image
ID added in the database" type="text/javascript"></script>

Request URL:
http GET /3dscan/v1/FitmanGL/rest/get/id_canvas/{imageObjectId} HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Request Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
imageObjectId Yes URL int Object to fetch


Returns Javascript content file corresponding to the object source code of the imageObjectId.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
400 Bad request. Invalid request or validation error.
404 Not Found. Requested API does not exist.

Request 4

/3dscan/v1/FitmanGL/rest/post/upload : Send POST with the 3D file to upload a new file to the 3DScan database

Request URL:
http POST /3dscan/v1/FitmanGL/rest/post/upload HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: multipart/form-data; charset=utf-8

Request Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
file Yes BODY File Object to upload


Returns 200. OK

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
400 Bad request. Invalid request or validation error.
404 Not Found. Requested API does not exist.

Collaborative Asset Management (CAM) Manufacturing Enabler

This ME is a web-based, integrated platform for the management of Virtualised Assets in the scope of service-oriented Manufacturing Ecosystems. Targeted at the Virtual Factory domain, and based on open standards like Resource Description Framework (RDF), Web Ontology Language (OWL2) and Universal Service Description Language (LinkedUSDL), it is delivered as a web portal in order to maximise its collaborative nature.

FITMAN CAM exposes its own public, proprietary REST-based web API. By means of API calls, the reference ontology, the asset repository and the service registry can be queried by external applications. Note that only read operations are supported.

Request 1

/cam/v1/classes : This service helps to get all classes of the used ontology.

Request URL:
http GET /3dscan/v1/classes HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


Returns Json file corresponding to all classe content.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
404 Not Found. Requested API does not exist.

Request 2

/cam/v1/classes/{class}/assets/ : This service helps to get all assets of a specific class defined in the parameter {class}.

Request URL:
http GET /3dscan/v1/classes/{class}/assets/ HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


Returns Json file corresponding to all assets belonging to {class} content.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
404 Not Found. Requested API does not exist.

Request 3

/cam/v1/services/public/ : This service helps to get all public services.

Request URL:
http GET /3dscan/v1/services/public/ HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


Returns Json file corresponding to all public services.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
404 Not Found. Requested API does not exist.

Request 4

/cam/v1/services/public/{service} : This service helps to get all details of a specific service {service}.

Request URL:
http GET /cam/v1/services/public/{service} HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


Returns Json file corresponding to all details of the required service {service}.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
404 Not Found. Requested API does not exist.

Collaborative Business Process Management (CBPM) Manufacturing Enabler

This ME is a web-based, integrated platform for the semantically-enhanced design, execution and monitoring of Business Processes in the scope of service-oriented Manufacturing Ecosystems. Targeted at the Virtual Factory domain, and based on open standards like Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) 2.0, it is delivered as a web portal in order to maximise its collaborative nature.

Request 1

/cbpm/v1/sqlrest/webgl : This service helps to view the database structure of the CBPM.

Request URL:
http GET /cbpm/v1/sqlrest/webgl HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


Returns XML file corresponding to the database content.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
404 Not Found. Requested API does not exist.

Shopfloor Data Collection Manufacturing Enabler

This ME is dedicated to the collection of data from the shop floor. It is developed to act as the middleware between the data producers in the shop floor and the data consumers. At the same time this SE also decouples the event producers from events consumers to provide flexibility in the processing of production data and further dispatch the events to event processing engines such as Secure event Management in the scenario of FITMAN. The objectives of this ME are: Capture and acquire data from tagged objects (eg RFID) and Capture and acquire data from networks of [wireless] sensors.

Request 1

/cfdc/v1/sqlrest/webgl : This service helps to view the database structure of the CBPM.

Request URL:
http GET /cfdc/v1/sqlrest/webgl HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


Returns XML file corresponding to the database content.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
404 Not Found. Requested API does not exist.

Data Interoperability Platform Services Manufacturing Enabler

The FITMAN " Data Interoperability Platform Services" Specific Enabler (FITMAN-DIPS) is a web-based platform for the management of Data Interoperability services in the sope of the exploitation of the interoperability service.

Request 1

/dips/v1/sqlrest/webgl : This service helps to view the database structure of the FITMAN-DIPS.

Request URL:
http GET /dips/v1/sqlrest/webgl HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


Returns XML file corresponding to the database content.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
404 Not Found. Requested API does not exist.

Supply Chain & Business Ecosystem Apps Manufacturing Enabler

The FITMAN "Supply Chain & Business Ecosystem Apps" Specific Enabler (FITMAN-SCApp) is a web-based application for exploiting ecosystem Tangible and Intangible Assets in relation with application in Collaborative Capacity Scheduling and Team Building.

Request 1

/scapp/v1/sqlrest/webgl : This service helps to view the database structure of the FITMAN-SCApp.

Request URL:
http GET /scapp/v1/sqlrest/webgl HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


Returns XML file corresponding to the database content.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
404 Not Found. Requested API does not exist.

Dynamic Content Manager Enabler (DCME)

The main functionality of the Dynamic Content Manager Enabler (DCME) is to provide an easy and user-friendly GUI to manage documents. When an enterprise repository structure is updated, a dynamic reorganisation in the structure of the documents is generated. So, this Dynamic Content Manager will be automatic and synchronised with the possible changes in the enterprise organisation.

Request 1

/dcme/v1/alfresco/s/api/folders : This service helps to create the structure folders needed by the manager of the DCME Enabler.

Request URL:
http POST /dcme/v1/alfresco/s/api/folders HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Request Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
payload Yes BODY string Json structure to create


Returns 200. OK.

Common status codes returned

Code Description
200 OK
404 Not Found. Requested API does not exist.

vf-OS Enablers


Enabler 1 - Get all Enabler's Configurations

GET /api/vf-os-enabler/v1/enabler/1/configurations HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

      "comment":"This is the first config version",
      "comment":"This is the second config version based on the previous one",

Use this API call whenever is needed to retrieve all configurations related to one enabler.


Request URL : GET /api/vf-os-enabler/<api_version>/enabler/<enabler_id>/configurations

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
api_version Yes Resource string Identifies the API version that will be used for the request
enabler_id Yes Resource string Identifies the Enabler from the enablers pool
filter No Query String set active to retrieve the active configuration
set last to retrieve last configuration
set first to retrieve first configuration
set next to retrieve the next configuration version id in DB

Return Payload

The API response will contain a JSON document with the property result: success, error or empty and the documents with the enabler's configurations (if found).

Return Codes

Code Description
200 Configurations found
404 Configurations not found
422 Unprocessable entity if the filter is not set in the write way
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Enabler 1 - Get Enabler's specific configuration

GET /api/vf-os-enabler/v1/enabler/1/configurations/2 HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

      "comment":"This is the second config version based on the previous one",

Use this API call whenever is needed to retrieve one single configuration version.


Request URL : GET /api/vf-os-enabler/<api_version>/enabler/<enabler_id>/configurations/<configuration_version>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
api_version Yes Resource string Identifies the API version that will be used for the request
enabler_id Yes Resource string Identifies the Enabler from the enablers pool
configuration_version Yes Resource string Identifies the configuration version from the configurations pool

Return Payload

The API response will contain a JSON document with the query result: success, error or empty and the documents with the enabler's configuration queried.

Return Codes

Code Description
200 Configuration Found
404 Configuration Not Found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Enabler 1 - Activate Enabler's Configuration

PATCH /api/vf-os-enabler/v1/enabler/1/configurations/2 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


Use this API call whenever is needed to activate the configuration version.


Request URL : PATCH /api/vf-os-enabler/v1/enabler/<enabler_id>/configurations/<configurations_version>

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
api_version Yes Resource string Identifies the API version that will be used for the request
enabler_id Yes Resource string Identifies the Enabler from the enablers pool
configuration_version Yes Resource string Identifies the configuration versions from the configurations pool
Operation Yes Body entity JSON Object An object which describes the operation to be made contains the following attributes:
  • o: Operation to be made (eg set replace to replace th k property with the v value)
  • k: Key to be used for the operation
  • v: Value to be used for the operation

Return Payload

The API response will contain a JSON document with the query result: success or error.

Return Codes

Code Description
200 Configuration Activated
404 Configuration Not Found
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

Enabler 1 - Create Enabler Configuration

POST /api/vf-os-enabler/v1/enabler/1/configurations/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "comment":"This is the third config version",
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


Use this API call whenever is needed to create a new configuration version for one enabler.


Request URL : POST /api/vf-os-enabler/<api_version>/enabler/<enabler_id>/configurations

Transfer Parameters

Name Required Parameter Type Object Type Description
api_version Yes Resource String Identifies the API version that will be used for the request
enabler_id Yes Resource String Identifies the Enabler from the enablers pool
Enabler Configuration Yes Body entity JSON Object This configuration contains the following attributes:
  • version: The configuration version that will be created.
  • parent: For historical purposes the parameter represents the version of the parent configuration file which the n ew one is based on
  • enablerId: Enabler identification which the new configuration to be created belongs to.
  • comment: Configuration comment
  • body: JSON document where the custom configuration parameters are.

Return Payload

The API response will contain a JSON document with the query result: succes or error.

Return Codes

Code Description
201 Configuration created successfully
500 Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.